
Domination (Part 4)

"It's not like I don't appreciate the tough love, but aside from a clean head, I don't feel this is getting me anywhere. I learned to control the elements before my bladder, yet no matter how hard I try, all I see is water." Morok said.

"Would you like an explanation as well?" Faluel asked Lith and Solus. They knew that her favorite teaching method consisted of throwing them in deep waters until they learned how to doggy paddle rather than spoon-feed them knowledge.

"No, but I could use a few hints." Lith replied. "I can feel the flow of mana but not the surges. Even filling my eyes to the brim with the darkness element is pointless. It only darkens my vision. 

"On top of that, every time I get stung, the pain makes it hard to keep my survival instinct under control."

"Very good." Faluel clapped her hands. "You've already given yourself all the hints you need. Just remember what I said during my explanation and piece it together with your own words."