
Dismantle (Part 1)

"How are you doing with Creation Magic?" Kamila asked.

"I still have a long way to go, but I'm making progress. The Grimoire is working on Grandma's lessons as we speak. With a bit of luck, it will decipher the simplest spells first so that Solus and I can start from the basics.

"Phoenix's Forge is the only spell I've actually cast on my own and is tier five. It gives me a point of arrival whereas I need something to start with. I set the Eyes on Dismantle first. It's tier one Creation Magic and relatively simple."

"Excellent news." Kamila nodded. "Once you have mastered it, do you mind recycling Zogar's Dominator armor?"

"I beg your pardon?" Lith raised his eyebrow in disbelief.

"You heard me. Zogar has… changed and there's no way to retrofit the armor for his new needs. The gods know how hard to find the ingredients for an artifact like that is." Kamila pointed at the room and at the likely presence of a Guardian.

"I think that Salaark-"