
Discoveries and Plans (Part 2)

Solus blushed at the thought of how many times she had let amazement and magical theory-crafting distract her from a fight. It had happened even back when she had faced the King of Kolga alone.

"It's an interesting plan. The staff would provide Solus with enough world energy to let her keep her human body and to make up for her faulty core thanks to her tower half converting the world energy into her own mana." Salaark said.

"Yet unless Mogar got turned upside down while I wasn't paying attention, world energy is comprised of six elements and you only have three Balor eyes."

"I know." Lith nodded. "That's why my project involves cutting three white mana crystals the size of an apple and enchanting them so as to amplify one of the elements that I lack to make up for the missing Balor eyes."

Lith had gotten a blue, a red, and a black eye from Trouble's corpse. He projected the hologram of three magical gemstones respectively orange, yellow, and silver.