
Diamond in the Rough (Part 2)

"We couldn't examine this yesterday because of the sudden breakthrough, but now I'm really curious to see what this does. Phloria thought it was a dimensional item, but the Odi had to steal Professor Ellkas's ring to have one, so she was wrong."

The small ring was covered in glowing blue runes and had a small green mana stone embedded on it. Lith could now recognize a single rune pattern, which made it even more underwhelming.

Such a weak pseudo core that required both runes and a crystal to work couldn't be anything important. Especially since after it had been lost, no one seemed to have ever cared to pick it up, letting it end up in the fungal creature's hands.

After checking that there was no self-destruct mechanism, Lith imprinted the ring. Much to his surprise, the enchanted item started to suck upon his mana avidly and its pseudo core grew in both size and power.