
Desperate Run (Part 2)

'The World Tree is focusing on closing the most direct routes leading outside while we are following a path with the most intersections. I'm keeping our options open while also making it hard for the Yggdrasill to guess where we are going.'

'Epphy?' Menadion liked what she heard but didn't trust the elf.

'She's telling the truth, Mom.' Solus confirmed after probing Spare Parts' mind. 'Also, I go with Solus, now.'

'And I'm Ghar'mar Riverflow, not Spare Parts!'

'Tell that to someone who- dammit!' Menadion was forced to a halt.

In their current condition, the World Tree couldn't Warp their Puppets at a moving target and control the space-compressing array at the same time. Dimensional magic required a lot of focus and the slightest mistake would have terrible consequences.