
Death from Above (Part 1)

"I resent the use of the 'disappear' term." Manohar said with an indignant tone.

"I don't run away like a spoiled brat, I simply seek the isolation a complex matter like my endless research requires."

"You are a spoiled brat." Jirni replied as she opened the cuffs. Manohar had the habit of gesturing like a hysterical bird while he talked, almost dislocating her shoulder in result.

"Without constant supervision, you'd break more laws in a week than a serial killer in their whole life. You never fill your paperwork and neglect your students to pursue your own agenda."

Manohar wanted to reply, but Jirni scared him. He decided that shutting up and hiding behind Lith was in his best interest.

"I know you said that you're a fan of my work, but this is more like stalking." Lith said while giving Jirni a bow.

"Don't flatter yourself, kid. This time I'm here for him." She laughed at the joke while pointing at Manohar.