
Dead on Time (2)

Suddenly, all the communication amulets that were supposed to be offline projected the image of Headmaster Linjos, repeating the same message over and over.

"To all students, we are under attack. Return to your housing immediately. If that's not possible, seek shelter in the nearest building. To all students…"

While the others were still staring at the Headmaster's hologram, Lith grabbed Phloria's hand and made a rush for the exit.

"Wait, there are still people in the mine!" Phloria blurted, out trying to keep up with his pace.

"So what? Do you really think we can protect everyone? If they are stupid enough to freeze out of panic, they would not last long anyway!" Phloria was about to reply, but while squeezing Lith's fingers she remembered she didn't want to die.