
Cursed Flames (Part 2)

Tista felt so cold that she thought that she was about to die. Her core and her body were weaker than Lith's, making her even more sensitive to low temperatures. The scales over her body froze and fell, shedding just one drop of blood each before it turned solid.

The ice dug into her flesh and fell, deepening the wound.

The cold was numbing her senses but the pain remained unbearable. Faced with the death threat, the silver and the red star of her Beast life force started to spin around each other faster and faster, sucking the remaining heat in the room to survive.

A blue eye opened on Tista's forehead, right above the red one. Then, both of them lit up as she instinctively used Domination to respectively extract more heat from her surroundings and ward off the cold.

She decided to breathe Origin Flames, hoping to gain even one moment of respite from that blinding agony.

And it was then that it happened.