
Crystal Hunting (Part 2)

"And I was talking about Kai'El." Kelia nodded at the dark elf. "With the orcs' accelerated growth rate, he should be around my age, if not even younger."

"Are you going to…" Farg asked.

"No. I'm about to leave Jiera and I don't want to throw away my first time. I'm young, not stupid." Kelia shook her head. "Are you going to…"

"No." Farg sighed. "Too complicated and my mission can't afford distractions, no matter how hot they are."

"Wow." Kelia chuckled. "We are more serious than I thought."

"Yeah." Farg nodded. "Yet with all the shit that keeps happening, I think our soldiers are right. We should enjoy our lives while we still have one."


The following morning, the Wayfinder went from village to train mode, allowing the people of the Kingdom to load the DoLoreans in their wagons.

"If you need anything, call me." Farg grabbed Kelia's forearm and she returned the gesture.