
Cruel Voices (Part 2)

"Farm!" Valeron the Second echoed.

"Gods, no! I'm so sorry, little one." Nyka said in horror, realizing how close to eternal slumber she had come. "I didn't mean to teach the kids bad words. I was just passed off."

"Passed?" Lith echoed. "Don't you mean, passed?"

"Is that how you want your children to refer to themselves when they are angry?" Salaark tapped her foot angrily after affecting his speech as well.

"Definitely not." Lith sighed. "Thanks, Grandma. As for you, Nyka, don't worry. My father will go crazy with joy when he hears Valeron talking about farms. At least until he discovers how he came to learn that particular word."

"What happened, child?" Salaark asked and Nyka gave her a short recap of her conversation with the Sekhmet.

"Mother, the Guardian of Children is waiting for Lith." Crevan pointed out while performing a deep bow of respect.