
Cruel Star (Part 2)

'Inform me as soon as you are done weaving your part!' Friya knew that keeping the group together also meant offering a single, juicy target.

 She kept Blinking away to keep Cruel Star at a distance, each time collapsing their entry point to force the enemy's spell to slow down to restore the containment field and buying her priceless time.

'Gods if I hate Faluel.' Raagu was amazed by Friya's ability to hold the makeshift Mass Blink together while also saving the residual mana from each jump to save strength for the next.

Friya was casting one-seventh of the Bastion while moving, using for the escape solely the mana she had stolen from Thaymos and that was contained within the Hands.

'Ready.' Each member of the group said at a different time and Friya stopped solely when the sixth voice echoed inside her head.