
Cruel Lesson (Part 1)

"You brought no ssspouse, jussst a girlfriend. You indeed befriended Verhen, but you dare bring him into our houssse after he betrayed usss? Have you at leassst brought any piece of knowledge that can help us sssolve the current crisssisss?" Forrn asked.

"Verhen, I mean, Lith is no traitor. As you said, he's a hero to Jiera." Bodya replied. "I admit that I haven't found any solution to our predicament, only new methods of government that humans can use in the future, but I always kept Grandpa updated.

"He and I worked as a bridge between the Awakened Councils, bringing here reinforcements that are currently helping us to deal with-"

"No, I sssaid that he wasss a hero." Forrn spat acid on the floor, making the protective arrays sizzle. "That until he went from helping usss to helping himssself. Instead of sssharing his creation with usss, Verhen bartered them in exchange for hisss freedom, and now he'sss going to take our own!"