
Crisis (2)

After the accident with the nameless kid, Varegrave changed Lith's priority, asking him to visit the last tent again, to check the conditions of all the other children and avoid further deaths.

No one was in a near death state, but most cores were past half grey, so he added the worst cases to his schedule, to devise a simplified version of the cure he had almost brought to completion.

To do so, he needed time, so he was forced to postpone Nindra's and Garith's treatments. Nindra was still shocked from the events of the previous day, so she raised no objection, wishing Lith the best luck.

Garith, instead, didn't take it well.

"What the f*ck does this mean? Postpone until when?"

"Until the emergency is resolved." Lith replied with a flat tone.

"Strong mages like you are in no life threatening situation, while most of the others already have one foot in the grave. Orders are orders. We'll resume as soon as I'm done, it shouldn't take much."