
Conflicting Interests (Part 2)

One was absorbed in her medical research and the other always vigilant to protect her sister.

As the construction of Darmoq progressed, permanent arrays joined those conjured by the Wayfinder. The Space Compressing array hindered Spirit Blink and even though Orpal could overcome it thanks to Moonlight, he was afraid of Friya's dimensional awareness.

'If I get close enough to kill the healer, the other one might make my dimensional door collapse, and not even Davross can resist space itself being cut. Unless Night's crystal gets caught in the rift, we should survive but the same can't be said for Moonlight.

'If our tower gets cut in half, we will be trapped behind enemy lines and lose one of our most powerful weapons forever. It takes one of the many mages of the camp to chant the self-destruction spell and our life is over.