
Combined Efforts (Part 1)

Sure, with each spell the Break Annihilation ripped apart, it lost a chunk of its power, but only a chunk.

To make matters worse, the wild energy released by the now-incomplete spells spread out in a chain reaction, forming a protective layer around the Break Annihilation as it moved forward.

The Chaos spell killed no one, but that wasn't its purpose.

"Surprise, motherfuckers!" Orulm was the first to jump through the dimensional rift, but not before unleashing his Tier five Chaos spell, Shredding Wheel.

One Break-infused ring departed from each of his wrists, cutting through the magical formations enveloping the outer layer of the Fringe. Shredding Wheel spun like a buzzsaw, ripping the arrays carefully laid by the World Tree since the time they were just a Sapling apart.