
Close but Far (Part 2)

Tesmian the Blood Warlock followed the Empress closely, keeping a safe distance from the Guardian and giving him a deep bow before introducing himself.

"What's all this stuff?" The Father of all Dragons flipped through the material, discovering that it was written in different ancient codes that he knew like the back of his hand.

"Maybe nothing and maybe the key to ending this war. It's up to you to find out." She replied.


Distar Marquisate, City of Lutia, a few days later.

Even after Lith had received a full Royal Pardon and the title of Supreme Magus, the members of the Verhen family had preferred not to return to their home in the Kingdom.

Elina was pregnant, Raaz was mentally unwell, and Lutia had yet to be completely rebuilt after the attack of the Dead King. The Verhens were afraid of how their fellow citizens might react to their reappearance and how it would affect the peace of mind they so desperately needed.