
Clever Plans (Part 2)

Kortus Dast was a mage in his mid-thirties about 1.73 meters (5'8") tall, with short black hair and ice-blue eyes. He found it hard to accept that such a young woman was taller than him and held his same rank, yet he managed to keep the edge off his voice.

"Negative, Sir. Aside from setting the perimeter, there isn't much to do." Phloria actually had an eerie feeling in her gut, but preferred to keep it to herself.

'If I tell them and I'm wrong, I'll be blamed for wasting everyone's time while if I'm right, I'll be blamed for not being able to prevent whatever will happen. I already learned the rules of this game during the past year.

'To undermine my success, they'll make so that no matter the choice I make, it will be considered wrong in hindsight. I'll share my impressions only with Friya, so that if the worst happens and we save the day thanks to her guildmates, at least her career will flourish.' She thought.