
Clash of Titans (Part 2)

It was the ritual Leannan had resorted to in the past to replace the old Sovereign.

'What's the meaning of this?' Erlik was flabbergasted. 'What about my army?'

'As long as you have me, you don't need an army.' The Sapling's voice was condescending. Even with his long life, Erlik was barely more than a seedling in the tree's eyes.

'If they die, it means that they weren't worth the trouble I took in keeping them alive. The same stands for you.'

Erlik inwardly cursed. The Sapling was still a plant folk to the root. Plans and deals didn't mean anything to it, only power. Leannan had unraveled his plot, predicted his moves, and even managed to hold her ground despite the fact that the Sapling was actively helping him.

In the ancient tree's eyes, a stalemate under those conditions was as good as a defeat.

'You old fool! You have no idea what you have just done.' Erlik thought.