
Chaos Force (Part 1)

Olua realized that she had been checkmated, but that didn't mean she had also been defeated. Unlike in games, the rules of a real battlefield could be changed. The Roc ignored the shaman and abandoned her position, opening a clear path of retreat for the monster army.

The creatures had yet to raise the first yell of victory that Olua unleashed her next barrage of spells against the reverted monsters who were restricting Bodya. A hail of fire and thunder bought the Nidhogg the time he needed to dive underground.

The flabbergasted shaman did her best to rush toward her enemy, but the Roc didn't wait for her and moved even farther away without ever ceasing the dive bombings. The only way Se'Haan had to keep up with Olua's speed was to fly, but fighting a Roc in the skies was beyond madness.

Without the sacrifice of her soldiers and the protection of earth magic, the shaman knew that she would barely last a second.