
Chain of Command (Part 1)

"You won't meet only nice people and you can't afford to antagonize everyone who doesn't meet your standards or who makes a bad first impression." Tista said.

"Fine." Solus sighed.

She spent the following two days working on her poker face and people skills while Lith never stepped outside the tower. He hoped that each increase in his mana core, no matter how small, would help the tower core's recovery and Solus's with it. 

When he walked out of the Gate in the city of Alten, Lith found the officers in charge of the regiment at his orders waiting for him. There were ten people lined up, one officer for each 100-men unit, and a man standing in front of them who wore the stripes of a Lieutenant Colonel.

They were all older than him and from the cold look on their face, Lith could tell that they weren't one bit happy about being there.