
Cause and Effect (Part 2)

"Thanks, but I meant what kind of trouble you have while practicing Void Magic." Lith needed sheer willpower to not laugh like the rest of the room.

The poor girl was already tearing up because of her blunder, looking around like a trapped animal.

"Enough!" Sylpha's roar brought the room to silence again. "If you find it so funny, let's see if you can do better. You there, what's your name?"

She pointed at a girl who had laughed hard and meanly enough to stand out in the crowd. Now that the classroom was looking at her, she found neither the situation funny nor her voice.

The squeaky noise that came from her mouth couldn't be called words nor made sense of.

"I asked for your name, not a magical breakthrough. Is it so hard to remember?" Sylpha crossed her arms, her gaze turning even colder.