
By the Hand of a Mortal (Part 2)

"They won't dare try again and even if they do, they'll have no idea what they are going to deal with." The hybrid said.

"Excellent idea." The Mother extended her hand to cast Dismantle again, but the creature stopped her.

"Wait. We are grateful for your help, but we have a theory about how to safely destroy small cursed objects by ourselves and this is the only opportunity we got to put it to the test before we encounter more."

"You do?" Baba Yaga said in amazement while the others just gaped at the hybrid.

As for Stargazer, she exploited that moment when no one was looking at her to Warp away.

'If I have to die, I'll die fighting!' So she thought as Baba Yaga's Elemental Seal array blocked the Spirit Steps first and then even slowed the world energy cursing inside the cursed glaive's power core.

Stargazer found herself incapable of moving, her body reduced to a piece of wood and metal while her mind had trouble formulating thoughts.