
Burn it Down (Part 1)

Only when the mass of shadows started to split, growing arms, legs, heads, and wings did Thrud understand what was happening.

"How many Demons of the Darkness has he conjured?"

"256, now 512 and counting." Ufyl replied as his Dragon Eyes allowed him to quickly estimate the enemy numbers as the blackness spread. "One thousand, two thousand, the fuckers grow geometrically in number! If it keeps like this, they-

"Never mind. Thank the gods it stopped at three thousand."

"What the fuck are you sighing in relief for?" Xoola said. "That's still 3,000 soldiers for free and it gets worse. Look!"

Even with the help of his Golems and the geyser, there were only so many souls that Lith could conjure at the same time. Yet he didn't plan to start attacking until quality matched quantity.

What the Fenrir was staring at in horror was the number of eyes of the Demons going from one to six in the span of a few seconds.