
Both Sides (Part 2)

The monsters believed in the miracle because, after such a dark day, they desperately wanted to.

The Hydra quickly fixed the hole in the upper levels and before returning to Zelex, she set several arrays that would cloak the entrance from detection spells and alert the others on the outside in case the infiltration team needed backup.

By the time she was back, Morok was still unconscious between Ryla's arms but a few of his scales had turned from black to white.

Friya nervously turned her head from the collapsed passage to the Tyrant. Her body language was a clear statement of how awkward the situation was to her and how scared she was of her hosts.

'Think that you are doing it for Nalrond and don't focus too much on the fact that if anything goes wrong, we'd go from dinner guests to main dishes in a heartbeat.' With dimensional magic sealed, the moment they got to the heart of Zelex they would have no way out.