
Both Sides (Part 1)

Faluel had already seen the city from Lith's memories but it was still such a magnificent masterpiece of magic and technology that the Hydra's amazement was completely genuine.

"What is this place?" Friya blurted out, her enthusiasm turning into suspicion as she finally had the time to take a good look at her allies. "I thought that elves lived inside the Fringes and had golden skin whereas yours is light brown. Who are you guys and what are you doing here?"

"Do you know where my people live?" The orc shaman couldn't believe her pointy ears.

"No, I know where one tribe is and their hospitality was far from pleasant." Friya raised her rapier, Dreadnought, staring at the rest of the members of the senate in suspicion.

"You don't look like an Emperor Beast and you…" She pointed at Syrah with the blade and then at Ryla. "What the heck are you?"