
Boot Camp (Part 2)

Trion was powerless to do anything to Lith. No Commanding Officer in his right mind would put two brothers in the same platoon. Phloria, though, was a whole different story.

Trion did his worst to ruin her military file. He charged her with insubordination whenever she objected to the impossible tasks he assigned to her and gave her demerits when she inevitably failed to accomplish them.

Phloria wasn't a stunner, but everything about her drove Trion crazy with envy. She was now 1.78 meters (5'10") tall, while he barely reached the average height of 1.65 meters (5'5").

The idea that a noble dame belonging to one of the most important households in the Kingdom, who also was a very powerful mage, had been his brother's girlfriend was something he couldn't stand.