
Black Star of the Desert (Part 2)

"I need you to make sure that nothing comes out of Zeska to disturb me." Lith said.

"With all due respect, Supreme Magus Verhen, as you so kindly pointed out earlier, this is a siege. Why should the enemies come out of the protection of their enchanted walls and arrays?" Brigadier General Vorgh asked.

"I'm sorry, but I don't owe you any explanation." Lith shook his head, ignoring the Master Warden's request. "I can't risk an information leak ruining everything. You'll have to trust me and follow your orders."

"Fair enough. Please, continue." Vorgh sighed, hoping that the worry for his ex and the underserved power hadn't clouded Lith's mind.

"At the end of the second phase, I'll give you another signal. It will mark the beginning of the third and final step of my plan. Switch to the offensive again and take the city." Lith said.

"That's it?" Elder Sylvana of the Fae asked in disbelief.