
Birthday Party (Part 1)

"I missed you more, Solus. I'm sorry, but I needed and I still need to be alone. You can't ask me to forget about the loss of Lark and Mirim in a few days. Let alone a three years long relationship with a woman I might have married." Lith caressed and kissed the top of her head while sighing deeply.

"But, you never cut me out of your life like this before." She replied, hugging him more tightly.

"That's because you never had a body before. I need to sort out my feelings, not to make them even messier. We are both lonely and our emotional feedback is akin to my drinking alcohol with Faluel.

"I don't want to do something that we would both regret later." Lith said.

Solus had actually a lot to say, but she understood his feelings and respected his wishes.