
Balance of Power (Part 1)

'No, she can't. With her trust issues, she would stop believing in me. Put yourself in her shoes. Friya wouldn't know who she has really been interacting with so far and she would be afraid that you are somehow manipulating me. She too is paranoid. Telling her is a liability.' Lith said.

Solus sighed and said nothing more. Friya's level of craziness was dangerously similar to Lith's. She had chosen to establish a guild, yet she treated her companions as a means to an end and changed them more often than her socks.

Unless the opportunity presented itself, she would react badly to a revelation as big as Solus's existence was.

While waiting for Friya, Lith and Solus tried to sketch together everything she could remember about the pseudo core of the assassin's garb.

'Orion said that a gold alloy can't hold more than one incantation at a time, yet that garb had three of them. Maybe it used adamant instead of silver.' He thought.