
Bad News

Lith followed Solus's plan, describing the vision in great detail. For the made up part, he described the assailant as a shadow, just like for all the others. Death Vision provided him plenty of material about how the King would look like after having his throat cut.

"Damned dryad magic!" King Meron slammed his fist on the armrest.

"It gives us too little information. At least now we know that the civil war should not happen anymore and that we are safe until next spring."

Lith nodded. Knowing how much time he had left before the events in his vision could happen was at the same time a reason for worry and relief. It gave them a deadline but also an idea about their enemy.

There couldn't be many people capable of getting rid of the Queen's corps. Also, until the attack on the academy happened, Lith had no reason to worry. The problem was if they would be able to prevent it and how the future would change after that step.