
Back and Forth (Part 1)

"On top of that, Aylen was the first to become a Lich after the fall of the Odi race and the one who spread the secret to achieve Lichhood in the magical community. All the Liches on Mogar are her indirect creation. Their existence is just the result of a ripple that Aylen caused."


Blood Desert, Heavenly Plume tribe, a few days later.

Whenever Lith wasn't practicing with the white crystals or his Origin Flames, he kept in contact with the White Griffon and with Xenagrosh. The former kept him informed on the investigation about the copycat, while the latter was mostly a social call.

Lith was deeply grateful for what Tezka had done for Aran and Leria. He wanted to get to know better the Abomination members of his odd extended family and was eager to meet Sinmara again.

"You are the one in the Blood Desert. Why do you ask me what Sinmara is doing instead of talking with her yourself?" Xenagrosh asked.