
A New Page (Part 1)

"I hope you are recovering from your bad experience. How is your ancestor adapting to her new life?" Quashol asked.

"My imprisonment was indeed bad but at least it didn't last long." Solus replied. "M-enadion has a lot to process but she's doing better by the day, thank you for asking."

"What about you, Tista? We missed you on the battlefield."

"I'm doing fine but I'm still too weak." She released her aura which had just started to show lighter streaks amid the deep violet. "I wanted to come. I wanted to stand by the Brood's side and save Solus.

"Yet without an armor and a stronger core, I would've been nothing but a burden. It pains me to admit that my absence did more good than my presence would have.

"I see." Quashol had never met Tista in person and had expected her to be no inferior to Lith. Her weak aura and puny armor, however, told a different story. "Don't apologize. Putting the lives of others above your pride was the right thing to do.