
A New Life (Part 2)

Almost answering their silent question, black clouds filled the sky. Silver bolts of lightning painted the sands white and the thunders following them sounded like the angry screams of a god.


Mogar's moon, Inxialot's secret lab at the same time.

The King of the Liches looked at the events taking place on the planet below with a puzzled expression on his skeletal face.

He rubbed his eyes a few times, believing that it was just a hallucination induced by his centuries of sleep deprivation before he remembered that he had no eyes that fatigue could trick.

"Nero, is it me, or do you see this nonsense as well?" He asked his house pet, an alleged black cat.

"Meoyes. I do." The ancient Emperor Beast in disguise pointed his small, fluffy paw at the cosmos visible from the other windows.