
A Forgemaster’s Wand (Part 1)

The metal corridor turned out to be very long. It branched several times because each kind of magical beast had its own breeding facility.

Also, they were further split according to what they were destined to become. The elite Meat Shields were bred in a department while the fuel for the Mana Reactor was bred in another.

To find the right path, Lith just had to check at each intersection where the cameras had been deactivated and where they were still active. Unbeknownst to them, they were following Yondra's group toward the Teks' breeding facility.

"Good gods!" Lith said when Life Vision perceived three familiar life signatures and his Array Detecting spell revealed five elemental blocking arrays to him, hidden but ready to be activated at any moment.

"Is anyone there?" Lith asked, even though he already knew the answer. "We followed your trail."