
Killian, The Shadow & Death

"It's good to see you, Michael. I was already wondering where to go looking for you," Maria Seraph greeted Michael with a smile. 

She grasped his hand and pulled him behind her, not even waiting for Michael's greeting. Maria ignored his subtle resistance and urged him, "I need your help with something. Please follow me!"

Michael raised his right eyebrow and stared blankly at Maria. She ignored the people around her and continued to drag Michael through the small camp. It was a basic camp made with Artifacts created from the combined efforts of blacksmiths, alchemists and enchanters. Expanding tents, campfires with enough firewood and even a miniature infirmary that expanded once enough origin energy was channeled inside it appeared in Michael's view.

Maria's actions didn't go unnoticed. Many saw the way she tightly held Michael's hand as she rushed through the basic camp with him in tow.