
Holy Sword

A pained groan escaped one of the Holy Knights' mouths as a black blade pierced through his thick armor. His chest was pierced in an instant, but he didn't scream out in desperation. His gaze was firm and filled with determination. The grasp around his weapon loosened and he felt the strength in his body disperse slowly.

He instinctively knew that he had only seconds left before the darkness of eternal death would engulf him, however, the Holy Knight was not afraid. His trembling hands grasped the black blade, its razor-sharp edges cutting into the Holy Knight's flesh.

"Kill…him…." The Holy Knight gargled, blood trickling down the corner of his mouth. 

The Holy Knights around their fallen comrade grit their teeth. They executed the Sacred Sword Style, and the holy movement technique taught by the Sacred Knight Temple Master, and circled the three-armed Awakened, whose blade was stuck in their comrade.