
Greater Demon

Meeting Beelzebub and taming the Red Dragon, who didn't even hate him for that, changed everything in Michael's plan. Well, it didn't change his plan to kill Senato Keltos, but appearing before the old Lionheart and seeing the terror in his eyes didn't bring Michael any satisfaction.

Senator Keltos was fully aware of who Michael was, yet he didn't dare to utter a single word. Instead, Senator Keltos died quietly, a clawed hand piercing his heart. Michael could have attacked the remainders of the Zentika Empire, burning everything to death with the Red Dragon's help, but Michael didn't feel like doing that.

Taros left behind more than enough chaos after killing and devouring several Senators in the last few days. He was now dead, just like the Senators, but the chaos he'd left was enough to destroy the Zentika Empire once and for all. The forces of the surrounding monsters, Lords, and kingdoms would grasp the opportunity and obliterate the Zentika Empire shortly.