

Inside an office, A middle-aged man in a suit was going through police files. Simran White was a senior FBI agent that was currently trying the solve the hardest case he had ever been assigned. He had already visited Taylor county in person and could not get any clues from the site. How could the giant servers just disappear?

Simran's first guess was that the robbers used a tunnel to steal the servers; however, there was no such tunnel anywhere near the compound. The next guess was that the servers were already long gone; the surveillance cameras were on a loop that showed old footage. However, that theory is disapproved because the students had seen the servers. It was almost like God was playing a prank; trying to mess with lowly mortals.

The only real lead was a similar situation that happened in Las Vegas last year. There was a heist at the MGM Grand casino. The vault just disappeared all of a sudden; just like the servers. However, that incident had more clues. The vault was later discovered inside the Casino Manager's house. The investigators assumed that he was trying to scam the insurance. He clearly had a fight with his partners in crime. They took the money, leaving him with an empty vault.

Simran had actually visited Vincent in prison. He almost felt bad for the guy; the 80-year-old Italian was having a hard time adapting to prison life. Simran interrogated Vincent and managed to get the identity of the person who attacked him. Apparently, the attacker just pulled the vault out of thin air. The culprit was a black male in his late 40s; he was really tall and had a birthmark on the neck. Simran had used the details to try and find the person in the FBI directory; however, without a name, there were too many men that fit that the profile in America.

The birthmark was the only clue; Simran had one of the new recruits going through each profile that fit the description and checking for the birthmark. So far there were no candidates that showed the birthmark. Simran sighed and walked to the director's office. In his 20 year FBI career he would have to give up on a case for the first time; Perhaps it was time to retire.

Simran waited outside the director's office. He hoped George would understand his plight and go easy on him. In reality, the current FBI director George Peterson was a simple and hard working man. He was a military veteran who joined the FBI. George started from the bottom and worked his way up to the Director position within 25 years. Due to his humble backgrounds, he had an easy-going attitude that was appreciated by the rest of the department.

" Simran, You can go in now." The secretary informed him.

Simran walked into George's office and exchanged greetings.

" Here is my report on the server incident." Simran handed his report to the Director.

The Director skimmed the report over and sighed.

" So the case will remain Unresolved. Perhaps if we find the attacker from the first incident we can get some leads again." George suggested.

" Maybe, but I don't want to deal with the case if that does happen. I am thinking about retiring now." Simran admitted.

George frowned at the response. He could imagine that this case hurt Simran's pride but he never would have guessed that Simran would ask for retirement.

" Simran this case is ridiculous. Nobody in the FBI could solve it. Don't blame yourself and don't do something stupid." George tried to warn Simran.

" It's okay director, I have been planning on retirement for a while anyway. I think it is time; I want to spend some time traveling." Simran replied. He really did not feel like working as an FBI agent anymore. This case had defeated him, he had no energy to work as an agent anymore.

" Alright, I will handle your paperwork and approve your retirement." George answered. He watched Simran walk out of his office like a broken man. George wished he could force Simran to stay. However, it was obvious that Simran lost all motivation to work as an agent.

George looked at the case again. He had more experience than Simran and might be able to solve the case. After brainstorming for nearly an hour, George could only think of one possibility.

" Could it be them?" George thought out loud. He took out a cell phone from a hidden compartment and called an old friend. The cell phone did not look like any model that was sold on the market.

" It's been a while, George. Whats up?" His friend answered.

" Tom I need your help. There is a case that we are trying to solve…" George went on and explained all the details to Tom.

Tom's real name was Thomas Kaufman, he was the former Deputy Director of NIA (National Intelligence Agency). Tom and George served in the same squad and bonded during their time in the military. After they left the army, Tom joined the NIA and George joined the FBI. They both achieved top ranks within each organization; however, Tom retired first. Working for The NIA clearly took more energy since most directors only held the position for a couple of years before retiring.

Tom listened to the details but could not help George at all. " I don't think I will be able to help with this case. I am just as clueless as you."

" I called to verify one thing. Could it be them? The people from The Society?" George nervously asked.

Tom was taken back by the question. " No, They won't do something like this." He replied.

" How can you be so sure? They are the ones with mysterious abilities right." George doubted Tom's response.

Tom sighed; he did not know how to convince George that The society would not commit such acts.

" How much is the value of the servers and the cash that was stolen in both cases?" Tom asked.

George quickly calculated; The servers were easily worth 600 million dollars and the casino vault held 160 million dollars. " The total value should be around 760 million dollars." He replied.

" That is why I am sure that the people from The Society did not commit this act. Do you think that much is a lot of money?" Tom asked.

George was taken back by the question. Was Tom going senile with old age? "Its nearly a billion dollars! Of course its a lot of money Tom. What are you even trying to say?"

" That's my point; It might seem like a lot to us. However, that amount is barely chump change for them. They would never risk exposing themselves for such a measly amount. Besides, I doubt even they have this much capability." Tom exposed some details.

" Don't they fight amongst each other? How can you be so sure that none of them was involved?" George knew very little about The Society. However, he knew that there were groups fighting for supremacy within The Society.

" No, they might fight against each other; But they would never break the rules set from time immemorial. " Tom denied the doubts.

" Then who could it be? Can you get in touch with them and ask them to investigate?" George pleaded. He wanted to find the culprit that broke his best agent and make him pay.

" Are you nuts? The people from the Society order us around. It is purely a one-way relationship. They will only investigate if they feel like it. Most likely, if such incidents keep happening they will get involved. But they probably have bigger priorities now." Tom commented. He dreaded the existence that was The society. Its members were on a completely different league in terms of wealth, power, and knowledge.

This was new information to George. He knew that the NIA had a relationship with The Society; He just never knew what kind of relationship it was. It seems like the NIA were dogs that followed the commands from them.

" Well, Whoever it is, I hope they get caught by The society and pay for what they did. I lost my best agent because of them." George cursed.

Tom offered his condolences but was ultimately helpless.

George thanked his friend for the help and hung up. He was so riled up that he needed to take his pills again. Perhaps he should also consider retirement. George had a gut feeling; it was not a good time to be the FBI Director. It was best to resign from office before things went out of control.

Thanks for reading.

I wish I could write more bonus chapters. But the new job leaves me with no energy to write. However, when I see your comments and reviews it inspires me to keep writing. Thanks for all the support.

I hope this chapter answered some questions. While giving you more to look forward to.

Red_Tempestcreators' thoughts