
Supreme Caos System

Tianwu continent         Dong Empire , Lin family   Young teenager with dirty face inside a wood house all messy decadent on a wood bed. The teen opened his eyes and look around "What fuck!!!!!! What am i doing here?was i kidnapped?" Lin cheng thought I try to get up but I suddenly felt pain all over my body. "Ouch!" I look down at my clothes is then that i realize that i was dressing like ancient chinese costume i was hoping  that the one who kidnapped me doesnt have a weird fetish. Knock! Knock! "Lin cheng get out here waste!" I hear a annoying male voice scream my name. Suddenly a burst of pain again exploded but this time in my head. I grab my head in pain and bunch of images And information ran though my mind "shit!!!!!" Apparently this was the legendary crosssing!!

DaoistS4DVbU · 奇幻
160 Chs

Chapter 149 Lin cheng revenge starts

5 mins later..

"Lian jinshu it seems your not only arrogant but also thinks you can teach the alchemy saint, and you Na Yu Yu a use of your power as the Vice hall master of the Punishment hall to attack the alchemy saint. While you Nan Jinqi accomplice this actions even more when lthe Alchemy saint ask you for help."

Said Xu Yi but his face full of anger.

"I..i.we didn't know." Spoke Nan Jinqi with a pale face.

"You didn't know what? Let me guess you didn't know he was alchemy saint if not your would never have done it right? Are you saying you can do whatever you in my alchemy guild!"

Yelled angrily Xu Yi making aura explode.

Making the whole Alchemy headquarters tremble.

"No... Ancestor you misunderstood we didn't-" Lian Jinshu who was trying to Explained she was just trying help was cut off by Xu Yi again.

"Xian Tun finish the report." Spoke Xu Yi while looking at Kai Ye Coldly.

"Why is the Ancestor looking at me like?"

Tought Kai Ye.

"Guardian 4!" Call Xian Tun.

And a beautiful strong female with short hair appeared.

"I see the Ancestor." Spoke Len Yenqyue.

"Explain the report." Spoke Xian Tu while Len Yenqyue nodded.

Kai Ye was feeling loss, after all since when the Security too the task to investigate.

"Is the alchemy Ancestor lost his trust in my departments?" Tought Kai Ye but Len yenqyue next words left with a cold sweat.

"I as the personal guardian assigned by Xian Tun sweat that what im going to say next is the truth." Swear Len yenqyue.

"With the authority of Na Yu Yu she confine the Alchemy Saint for 15 days, in which he work as an assistant forcefully by them. And that belong to the Punishment hall." After Len Yenqyue finish words.

All elders look in shock at Kai Ye and the trio,but before the could a react a huge aura came down on.

"Who the heck do you guys think you are!" Yelled Xu Yi with anger.

Making 3 beautiful women's feel scared, for the first time in their life.

"Who give you the right? Answer me!" Spoke With anger Xu Yi.

But Lian Jinshu, Na Yu Yu and Nan Jinqi couldn't speak.

"Ancestor this-" Kai Ye who was about speak was interrupted.

"I go out for a little time and when i come back, Teacher supress and abuse of they students and steak they contribution points lie thugs, students break the rules and use thighs to enter bully my alchemists! Teacher and student thinking because they teach "Geniuses" they can do whatever they please at the expense to committing crimes on my alchemy guild. But the ironic of all this is that this was under your watch Kai Ye." Spoke Xu Yi looking at him.

"I... I didn't know ancesto-" Kai Ye who received the pressure from the Aura Xu Yi became pale. Even though he was at Late Celestial Realm he still could resist the Heavemly Deity aura. And more Xu Yi was at the middle stage of the Heavenly Deity Realm.

"So why are you even the Core elder of that department? Under your watch it had became mess. Are you even a qualified to stay as a core elder i wonder.." After Hearing the Ancestor words everybody panic.

After Kai Ye been with for hundreds of thousands years and the friendship is deep.

"Ancestor-" Cui Weixi.

"Silence! I have not finish speaking." Coldy Said to Cui Weixi while looking at every core elder.

"Lian jinshu, Na Yu Yu and Nan jinqi you have been found guilty of committing crimes toward Alchemy Saint. From now on your expulse from this Alchemy Guild." Said Xu Yi.

"Ancestor.. think twice." Ying Bing Spoke after she knew Lian Jinshu from a long T

Time too.

"Yea after all she is also the teacher of our genius classes." Spoke Cui Weixi.




Many core elders hurriedly Spoke.

The only who didn't speak Were Xiao lin and Qu xiling.

"I..i.." Lian Jinshu after hearing Xu Yi words felt despair.

Not only her even Na Yu Yu and Na jinqi after all this place was they home. She didn't know that for they actions they would ended up like this.

"Kai Ye and for you this would only be a warning, get you sh#t together." Spoke Coldly Kai Ye making tremble while bowing and nodding.

"Geniuses and good tea her can alway come.. and I have enough time to wait." Spoke Xu Yi.

Making every understand his meaning, with they heart speeding up.

Lian Jinshu, Na Yu Yu and Nan jinqi.

"From now on you won't have any affiliation with alchemy guild, and be thankful i did just that go." Spoke Xu Yi to the 3 beautiful figures.

Lian Jinshu,Na Yu Yu and Nan Jinqi felt powerless and regrets.

Lian Jinshu who love teaching who felt she regret thinking she won't see her students again.

But the next moment a happily voice sounded.

"Hey.. hey old ghost what do you think your doing?" Lin cheng walk with handsome smile.

Making every look at him suprise by this guy even calling their Ancestor old ghost.

Lian jinshu,Na Yu Yu and Nan jinqi raise they head to see the person who made reach state. But they didn't blame him, perhaps just a little weirdly.

They didn't know why they didn't felt resentment towards Lin cheng.

While Len Yenqyue saw what Lin cheng was carrying shook her head from speechless.

"Teacher Lian jinshu! Help elders help." Kin Tao begs while tears fell down from his eyes.

Lin cheng had on his right hand Kin Tao by  neck as if he a chicken.


"Did i let you talk?" Spoke Coldly Lin cheng after slapping Kin Tao.

"Stay there and if you move it would be worse."

Spoke Lin cheng while throwing Kin Tao like a trash bag.

"Look at you my Len yenqyue look very lovely today." Spoke in a teasing tone Lin cheng while walking in front Xu Yi.

Every one in the room suprise by Lin cheng strength after he just handle a Nirvana Realm cultivator like nothing. Most elder has shock eyes, even though alchemy are known for they weak body but Kin Tao was above Lin cheng by a whole Realm.

But what shock them was the Lin cheng even call the Ancestor "old ghost". They could but have cold sweat until the next scene change they views of the world.

"Hahaha little friend cheng, I see your here but it seem your ruthless as ever." Spoke standing up and talking very friendly To Lin cheng as if they were good friends.

While Len Yengyue rolled her at Lin cheng teasing to her. She have already got used to it, after it harmless.

"Let me handle this old ghost, after all this 3 devils are part from the Alchemy guild family. So I believe we just need to found another light punishment." Spoke Lin cheng carefree while winking at Xu Yi.

Lian Jinshu, Na Yu Yu and Nan jinqi couldn't but curse Lin cheng on they minds for calling them devils.

Xu Yi who previously talk with Lin cheng about this understood.

"So what you want you do little friend cheng?"

Ask Xu Yi.

Making everyone stunned after Xu yi didn't say suggest he say"what to do" meaning this was for Lin cheng to decide.

Making Lian Jinshu, Na Yu Yu and Nan jinqi look at Lin Cheng with uncertain eyes.

"Well I believe in eye for an eye, but that depends because if they do something to me believe in the number 20." Spoke Lin cheng.

"Number 20?" Ask Xu Yi curiously.

Not only him even the whole room at Lin cheng, because they have previously hear about the eye for an eye and toot for a tooth.

But it was the first time hearing that someone believe in the number 20.

"Exactly the number 20 meaning if someone do something to me Lin cheng ill repay him by 20 times." Making every stunned.

"So Lian jinshu, Na Yu Yu and Nan jinqi i won't beat around the bush. You would serve me as assistant for 3 months." Spoke Lin cheng.

But seeing they expression he saw they misunderstood not only her all of them except for Xu Yi.


"I refused."

"Shameless i don't agree."

The 3 of them refuse making Lin cheng had a headache.

"Hey don't look at me like you that, is not what you think yeez it seems you minds are very dirty. Well after you 3 are devils-like." Shook his head Lin cheng.

Making they realized they misunderstood and they face got red.

"Dont worry im not interested in you 3." Spoke Lin cheng.

Making Lian jinshu, Na Yu Yu and Nan Jinqi stunned after all. They felt the ego itch with Lin cheng words. Even though they considered Lin Cheng a kid. And had not Interests on him they felt uncomfortable.

"In fact i feel pity if by a miracle you get married in the future poor guys." Sigh with Pity Lin cheng.




The 3 of them felt anger boiling on them but thinking of what was the situation. The wish they could go and pulls Lin cheng ears. But knowing it would impossible now and in the future they felt helpless.

Seeing this scene made everyone stunned, all of them start it to feel that the alchemy saint was something else.