
Supreme Caos System

Tianwu continent         Dong Empire , Lin family   Young teenager with dirty face inside a wood house all messy decadent on a wood bed. The teen opened his eyes and look around "What fuck!!!!!! What am i doing here?was i kidnapped?" Lin cheng thought I try to get up but I suddenly felt pain all over my body. "Ouch!" I look down at my clothes is then that i realize that i was dressing like ancient chinese costume i was hoping  that the one who kidnapped me doesnt have a weird fetish. Knock! Knock! "Lin cheng get out here waste!" I hear a annoying male voice scream my name. Suddenly a burst of pain again exploded but this time in my head. I grab my head in pain and bunch of images And information ran though my mind "shit!!!!!" Apparently this was the legendary crosssing!!

DaoistS4DVbU · 奇幻
160 Chs

Chapter 130 slapping the faces of few

"Oh my heaven did that kid just slap Ou bong?"

"Uuuuu this is going to be interesting."

"There a good show to watch previously Sin qinxai save those kid but now..."

"Yea I don't think wau la would let it pass."

The teacher and studentbwere shock after when have they seen this scene.

"You! How dare you hit my students." Spoke Angrily Wau la while feeling his face burn with shame.

"Than he should show some respect, but what can you expect from someone that has teacher like you." Spoke Coldly Lin cheng.

Making the whole stadium suck cold breath.

"Very good, good, good! You succesfully anger me." Said loudly Wau La with his aura exploding towards Lin cheng.

"Oh shoes!"

"That new of the pseudo alchemist is about to have some bones broken."

Everyone gossip.

But when Wau La was about to make a move. A beautiful figure stood in front Lin cheng,making his face become ugly.

"Sin Qin-" Wau La was interrupted.

"Enough!" Said Coldly Sin Qinxai.

"What you mean Sin Qinxai? Are you gonna defend this thug? Not only did he have no manners towarss you, he also have disrespect towards the teachers." Spoke Wau La trying to be self righteous.

"When did i said, I was bother by teacher Lin cheng calling me by my name. He has all the right to do so, after all he is also a teacher."

Said Sin Qinxai.

Making the whole stadium mouth open as an egg.

"It seem Sin Qinxai is defending the new teacher of the pseudo class."

"Well even though she is tough she is also a good inner elder."

"Well she really get her job by her morals. After she is really qualified to be the judge on this competition."

People chatting could be hear while enjoying the "show" by the Lin cheng class and Wau La.

"Humph still Sin Qinxai he attack an student look at how he left my student." Spoke Wau La.

"Then call the punishment hall, but in my site you won't be doing nothing. And let's be clear who was really who start it the trouble? We knw ver well who start it so stop the scene and roll!" Said Domineering Sin Qinxai.

Making Wau La become embarrased

After all he knew she was right it was him who start it. As if thinking of something Wau La give Lin cheng a vicious expression and left.

Lun Za, Oua bong and the rest of his class follow. While Oua bong blood had already dry but he was missing a couple of teeths..

He who was at the middle stage of Void King Realm still didn't understand how Lin cheng slap him. The worse part is that he didn't saw it coming making him fear a little of the unkown.

Seeing Wau La leave with his class everyone stunned by the outcome.

"Wow at the end Sin Qinxai defended the Pseudo class."

"Yea she is definitely fair person."

"Anyway is not like is going to change anything after all, the pseudo class always end at the bottom."

"And more now they had a mere Void King Realm as teacher."

"Yea it wont change anything the same 3 class would always take the top 3."

"Yes is always F2 2,007 that gets top 1 and more when they had 3 geniuses in the Holy rank 2 that can make middle level pill."

"Don't forget F2 2,930 they also are not to be used underestimated."

"Well whatever, since I know my class can't win a decent spot, at least i have the individual evaluation rewards."

"Yea your right."

The stadium that's fill with a thousands class was chatting and gossiping.

Back to Lin cheng side.

"Did you confirm my students on the competition?" Ask Lin with a smile not caring about the previous episode.

"Ha yes i did, by were a thanks wouldn't hurt." Said Sin Qinxai with a smile.

But the next words of Lin cheng left him stunned.

"Save? Nah you just save that guy of having the same fate of his student." Spoke Lin cheng calmly.

"This guy..."Tought Sin Qinxai while her sexy lips twitch.

Bur she also knew he was right, after all he was the Saint Alchemist of the Guild. And the one came to make trouble ot was Wau La.

In fact she tought Lin cheng say it because of of the punishment hall. But Lin cheng meaning he would have done it himself.

He was itching when he saw that guy was about to use his aura to supress his students.

After hearing they Teacher worlds the pseudo class had cold sweat on their back.

"Is our teacher is a lunatic talking like that to Inner elder Sin Qinxai?" Tought must of them.

Except of Wei Xiexu and Lu Li that knew Lin cheng identity.

"Thank you very much lady Sin Qinxai I'll take my leave." Said Lin cheng.

"Let's go guys, and now tell how does this work? I have no idea." Spoke Lin cheng after receiving a ticket number while walking away.

"Well teacher now we have to wait for-" Wei Xiexu was interrupted by soft female voice.


When Lin cheng and his students look back it was the beautiful Sin Qinxai.

"I'm the manager of this competition and as the rules state, since your new i'll need to explain in detail and inform you about the competition." Said Sin Qinxai with a beautiful smile.

"Hm?" Making Lin cheng think.

"How about you guys go and wait and i would keep you teacher updated." Said softly with a beautiful smile towards Lin cheng class.

"Teacher this.." Said confuse Wei xiexu.

"Is okay you go ahead." Spoke Lin cheng calmly.

After thinking quickly Lin cheng also tought it was necessarily to be in track about the competition.

After nodding the 20 students left.

"Well teacher Lin cheng this way." Said with a beautiful smile Sin Qinxai.

"Okay." Said Lin cheng.

3 mins later....

"So Teacher Lin cheng my names is Sin Qinxai, and im in charger of examine and evaluating each class and student results from indivuadly to the whole class." Explained Sin Qinxai.

"So how is this going to work? I mean there are literally a thousand classes here? Would it take several days to evaluate them and not only that how long would it take this competition couples of days?" Ask Lin cheng his doubts.

"Well it would actually take about a week, and during this week the teacher can not leave the students he must stay here. And look out of the students that would also stay here." Said Sin Qinxai.

Making Lin cheng stunned.

"Are you for real?" Ask Lin cheng with heavy look on his face.

"Nah im joking." Chuckle Sin Qinxai after seeing Lin cheng face.

Making Lin cheng stunned.

"This woman is teasing me." Tough Lin cheng.

"Ha got you." Tought Sin Qinxai with a smile.

Even though she knew he was the Alchemy saint his calmness made her annoyed. So she selfishly throw a joke at him.

"Actually there 10 round each round, a 100 hundred classes would start doing alchemy in the stadium and they have a limit of 40 mins. To make the pills after receiving the ingredients. All of the students would have make two specific pills that are healing pill in the Holy rank 2 and Restoring Qi pills in the holy rank 2." Explained Sin Qinxai.

And Lin cheng nodded while Sin Qinxai explained.

"Depenidng on the quality, i would rate them. And since they ade doing it in public it would guarantee the transparency." Spoke Sin Qinxia.

After thinking Lin cheng realized that they are going to be here for the next 6 hours.

"Also the tournament is by points, as class if a student makes a middle level pill they get 25 points, if they do a low level Pills they get between from 1 to 10 points depending on the efficacy of the low level pill." Explain Sin Qinxai.

"By they your round should be the 10th. Meaning tour class is the last one." Said Sin Qinxai.

After seeing all the classes in the stadium Lin cheng realize why Sin Qinxai had time to tech him about rules.

"Wait how did they got here so soon?" Ask Lin cheng.

"Almost all of the classes been here since yesterday camping. So your class teacher Lin cheng was one of the last confirm they participation." Explained Sin Qinxai.

"In 20 mins the competition would start, so i have to get ready good luck Tea her Lin cheng." Said Sin Qinxai.

After thanking the beautiful Sin Qinxai Lin cheng left and look for his students. He found them in one row seats of the stadium.

"Teacher! Is about to start look." Said Wang chu excitedly.

A beautiful figure gon stage, and start speaking.

"Let's Anually competition of F2 begin!" Said out loud with Celestial Realm Monetun Sin Qinxai.

"Oh look aren't those the genius classes turreded people."

Every body start talking when 3 clases went up.

"Oh heaven the 3 top classes are taking yhe lead in the tournament."

"Yeah this is weird why all of them are going up simce the begining."

" I believe is because of the rewards it must have make them itchy."

"Probably they didn't want to waste time."

People who were close to Lin cheng class start it talking about the first 3 classes going up.