
Origin Flame

Administration Hall of Healing Sun Peak…

While leaning on the wooden table, peak master Shreya is seriously reading a letter personally written by the Yang family patriarch.

From The Esteemed Su Yang the Seven, Patriarch of the Yang Family,

"I am writing to formally request the immediate presence of a disciple named Kent at the Yang family residence. We understand the value and importance of the healing sun's peak consent for his departure. I will offer substantial compensation in the form of rare and valuable resources for his services. Please ensure that Kent is sent without any delay.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding."

Warmest regards,

Su Yang, the Seven,

Patriarch of the Yang family.


Peak Master Shreya's worried expression for Amelia soon changed into a frown after reading the contents of the letter.

"Why… Why… Why…???!!!" One single word reverberated in her thoughts.