


A mandala appears around his arms and the crimson bands of cyttorak restrain the already half dead vahn ,holding him baldur flies of the planet at unbelievable speeds as the remaining planet blows up behind him


flying of the now ex planet, baldur who's still holding vahn shoots of towards the ss.sexy that was flying near the planet,as he gets close to the door of the ship it automatically opens.

Seeing that baldur throws vahn inside and lands himself only to put too much pressure on his injured side and start to fall when vena steps on her half dead father using him as a step and jumps towards baldur stabilising and supporting him.

Damn that yandere bon....ehm I meant that soul mate bond truly is something. Helping him stand she looks at him with tears in her eyes ,tears of happiness at his victory and survival,of sadness at his injuries and of despair at her own uselessness. Before she gets rid of all those thoughts and just kisses him.

Through his telekinetic domain baldur can feel vahn trying to escape his bonds ,he knows he can't escape but still to make sure baldur just drags vena towards vahn and starts making out with her while the both of them are standing on top of him.

He also shuts vahns mouth up with magic so he doesn't disturb them.


baldur pulls away from a heavily panting vena before he looks her in the eyes and says "Vena,my love do you desire the power to stand by my side"

Immediately the dissatisfaction of stopping in her eyes changes to a firece and almost hystarical desire "yes!" "What would you be willing to do for it" "as long as I don't have to give you up? Anything!"

"Even kill your own father?"  "Yes!"

There wasn't even a second of hesitation In her awnser. Prompting baldur to reward her by kissing her again.

If someone looked down they would be able to see the aggrieved face of vahn staring up at them.


One can see vahn tied up and bound to the ritual of devouring as badlur sits next to him and vena holds him down,baldur puts his hand on vahns forehead and enchants

"introeuntes sinitis intrare!!".  In a instant white motes of light come out of vahn and are obsorbed by baldur instantly healing all his wounds and empowering him ,and leaving vahn looking sick and pale.

Baldur had taken away vahns physical power making it so that he was now physically even stronger then thor!.

Baldur gets up and vena takes his position doing the same thing baldur did "introeuntes sinitis intrare!!".  This time pitch black motes of light come out of vahn as he completely vanishes and our obsorbed by vena,Instantly making her hundreds of times stronger and now a goddess in her own right, vena the goddes of shadows!!.

Vena stands up and looks over herself in awe at the power she feels now ,opening her palm and summoning shadows. She blinks when baldurs hands cover her palms and smiles up at him happy to now be strong enough to stand by his side.

"Remember this day my love,for today vena daughter of vahn died and vena wife of baldur odinson and the Queen of shadows was born!!"

In return vena shows a wicked and happy smile as her eyes go pure pitch black


now some of you may be wondering why I haven't updated,well its becouse I'm currently giving,my finals right now which will end after 13-14 days,I literally just gave my macroeconomics final 3 1/2 hours ago.

so I might update when I get time but don't expect to much.