

Two Childhood sweethearts Stella & Sebastian were in love with each other from their childhood but due to some misunderstanding no one confessed to each other and their family forced them to marriage and still they were living as strangers after her graduation Stella started working for his company and they slowly started to understand each other... But destiny decided some thing else for them and they get separated by an accident Read my novel to read further and how they united in the end If you like it after reading just comment in the comment section and yeah throw some stones too THANK YOU...

ARU · 现代言情
390 Chs


Liam on the other hand sighed helplessly and said to himself "What a Drama king he is acting like a villain... Can't he be bit normal with that... Sigh... He is just being childish... Sigh.."


Meanwhile in the Old House...

Robin gathered everyone in the Hall even though no one wanted to be there but since he pestered them too much they decided to come there

He started saying

"Look , dear elders and dear young ones... I'm going to give you all a very very huge shock "

No one reacted on his stupid speech even Sebastian stood up to leave but he stopped in his tracks when he heard him saying something about Stella

Robin Said "I loved her like my saviour, Even though I am little bit too aged to say that I still see her as my God Mother, So how could you all just keep on crying like that I am investigating the accident but I want sone clues from my brother, I want to know that why she suddenly left for US? Why even you let her go?"