God's very first creation was his daughter Eden. She was treated as a equal to himself and Amara but Amara grew jealous of God's love for Eden. God then made creation as a gift for Eden and created the Archangel's to protect Eden from Amara. Eden loved all of her brothers and sisters equally. Then God created earth for Eden to play with them. All was perfect until Lucifer had a son... and she met the Winchester's.
Chapter four:
Of course, the Winchester's didn't trust Eden as she just walked out of the room. After all, that they had experienced, how could they, and for Eden to say that there was monsters found throughout the thick forest of the trees. The two brothers then looked at each other, sharing the same thoughts, all the same while the four angel's sat sharing the same feeling of knowing this woman. From somewhere, from eons ago possibly, the feeling never left their mind's, but where could they have met this woman and not remember.
"Okay. I'm obviously not the only one who doesn't trust her. I mean c'mon who holds fire in the palm of their hand and as a fully grown wolf as a pet." Said Dean Winchester as he looked around at everyone with mixed up emotions on his face.
Castiel then looked down at Dean. "Dean, I don't like it either. But we have to get her to help us, if she is as powerful as she says then we can use her to help end Amara." Replied Castiel as he was filled with emotionless, but Dean Winchester knew Castiel better than anyone else, and he knew that Castiel was worried, and he was scared. Everyone was.
"I'm back with the beer." Said Eden as she walked back in, and opened up the beer before placing it on the table for Dean. Sitting back down on the couch Eden opened up her own drink. "So not to be rude or anything, but why have the infamous Winchester brothers, as well as four angel's decided to pay me a visit?" Said Eden as she looked across the room at everyone.
"There's a threat, and we need your help to get rid of it." Replied Lucifer and Eden raised an eyebrow at him.
"A threat you say, well I'm more than happy to help. I've helped hunters in the past, now what's the threat that is so horrific that the Winchester's need a unknown girl's help." Said Eden as she took a swig of her beet and Dean Winchester grabbed his from across the table.
Everyone stayed silent, and looked at one another until one spoke up. "It's Amara, she is otherwise known as the darkness and she plans on ending the world in revenge. She is the sister of God, and we need your help because she is extremely powerful." Replied Michael the archangel.
Eden took another swig of her beer as she looked away from him. "So you're telling me that there is this so called - Darkness who is planning on destroying the world for revenge because of God. And you need my help, why exactly? Can't God just help you, she is his sister after all." Said Eden.
"It's because God refuses to fight his sister, that's why we need you. With your powers, we'll be able to stop Amara.." Replied Castiel as he stood up and looked at Dean Winchester. "And if you do help us, we'll be able to offer you protection. Away from the monsters here." Said Castiel.