
(Jack Kline.)

Chapter seven:

Kelly Kline then gave birth to Jack and Mary Winchester was trapped in another universe with Lucifer. Castiel and Crowley are dead and the only people that are left is Dean and Sam Winchester to deal with the spawn of Satan.

"Father?" Said Jack Kline.

Jack Kline then looked around and it was dark. Where was he?

A large man then ran into the room and looked at Jack with fear in his eyes. "Dean!" Said Sam Winchester. "Father?" Replied Jack Kline as he stood up.

""No I'm not your father... Jack. It is Jack right?" Said Sam Winchester as Jack tilted his head. "Sam. Sammy?" Replied Dean Winchester as he entered the room. "In here." Said Sam Winchester as he didn't take his eyes off of Jack Kline. Dean Winchester then came stomping in. He then raised a gun at Jack as Sam Winchester went to move it so it didn't hurt Jack.

Jack Kline then let his powers flow out of him in waves and Dean and Sam Winchester was thrown across the room as they tried to hurt Jack. Both of the Winchester brothers was then knocked unconscious. Jack Kline went to raise his hand to kill them before he heard. "Stop!" Eden's voice echoed in his head. Her voice was soft and kind but forceful and absolute. "Father?" Replied Jack Kline as he lowered his hand.

"Run.. Jack! Angels... coming... not... safe." Said Eden and Jack Kline did as she said and ran. Eden told him that it was not safe just like his mother and Castiel did and he needed to find Castiel. Jack's mother also that him that their was a protector watching over him. Castiel had told Jack's mother of a goddess who would do anything for her family. He said that they were apart of her family so Eden would watch over him. Jack's protector would help him find Lucifer.

"Go faster Jack!!!... North... town... Dean... Protect." Said Eden as Jack Kline started to walk even faster. Then a image appeared in front of him. A woman as she fazed in and out of focus. Eden had long blonde hair and glowing blue eyes. She was beautiful. "Follow." Said Eden as she pointed towards the road and her nose started to bleed.

Jack Kline then held out his hand and used his powers to heal Eden. "Well... That's... Jack. That was really hard to do alone. Come... follow quickly we haven't got all day. Sam and Dean Winchester will be along shortly." Said Eden as she started to walk beside him but there was no sound on the pavement. "Before you ask. I'm actually not here. I'm in another universe. But I'm needed here. And I'll be there soon... I made a promise after all." Replied Eden.

"Not much of a talker are you? Well, I guess it's because you were born yesterday.... anyway I'm your aunt and my brother Lucifer is your father." Said Eden as she and Jack walked together.

As they walked Jack saw a building come into view. "Crap... Listen I have to go. My father God just returned. But keep going Jack, find people to trust and stay safe. Stay safe." Said Eden before completely disappearing. Once again Jack Kline was all alone as he walked up to the window and asked.

"Father?" Said Jack Kline.