
Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)

Author Note: Updating this so readers get a general understanding of this fan fiction. This fan fiction assumes that the main group of the MHA manga started attending U.A in the year 2014, the year the manga started serialization. It also makes the assumption that due to Quirks being around for several generations that science isn't completely up to where we are now as Quirks can do what would otherwise required innovation from science to create. In addition, this MC has his powers converted to Quirks and as such they require time and training to improve. For power scaling, this rendition of Superman will fall in line with All Star Superman and Superman Prime but will require time to reach that level. Without further ado please enjoy the fan fiction!! =======================================I died doing charity work overseas, and was fortunate enough to meet God. Taking pity on me as I had dedicated much of my adult life doing good deeds he let me reincarnate with a single wish. Asking to become Superman in the My Hero Academia world I was determined to both help the people, and have the family life I had always wanted. Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will.

ManOfCultureLeon · 漫画同人
102 Chs

Chapter 57 - Fallen From Grace

---Outskirts of Gotham, Injustice Universe---

Sending the sister and daughter back to base via Subspace, I hid myself preparing for a fight. The easiest way to make this work was hit him straight into a portal to take him off world. Within a few minutes Spectre showed up, and the instant he was in the house I opened a portal beside him.

Swiveling to attack whomever came out of the portal, he didn't expect an ambush. Slamming my fist into the back of his head the entire house exploded from the pressure as he was sent flying into the portal.


Following after him, I watched him slammed into the surface of Mercury. Grunting as he made touchdown, I slammed into his face with a right hook that cracked the surface of the planet.

"Who the hell are you!?", he shouted taking some distance.

"I am here to take you to Hell, Imp!", I snapped, "You fucked with the wrong world asshole!"

Pulling him through another portal, from behind I slammed him into the ground before hitting him a powerful magic blast. Gripping the ground to stop himself from flying away, he returned fire with his own magic. Absorbing the energy with my suit, he froze in shock.

Morphing my armor into the Unchained version, I pointed my finger at him with a smirk on my face. Charging at each other our two fists collided making a massive shockwave that shook the entire planet and made space around reverberate with the sound of the impact as both of us slid backward. Activating the Speed Force I ran forward and started delivering devastating blows that made the planet start to crumble beneath our feet.

Fazing through his counter attack I blasted him point with magic meant to attack his soul. Screaming as he stumbled backwards Mister Mxyzptlk was left reeling from the surprise attack. Breathing heavily as he hold body was racked with pain he looked at me with pure rage.

"You sniveling bastard!", he snarled firing an ethereal blast at me, "I am going to kill you for that!!"

"I'd like to see you try Imp!", I said cracking my neck, "Your the first person I have ever decided to not hold any punches back with. The Regime sent Lobo to my world, and he attempted to harm the people I love more than anything. Unlike your boy scout Superman in the past, I don't turn the other cheek when someone does that!"

"Lobo?", he asked with a confused look, "He was only supposed to...damn that bastard!"

"He's on ice, and I intend to finish him off after the Regime is crushed under my heel.", I growled focusing my mind, "Now then Mister Mxyzptlk, I hope you have a last will and testament done. I am your judge and executioner!"

Dashing forward I increased the mass and velocity of my fist so that the moment I hit his face it was the equivalent of Neutron Star colliding with him. Having been unable to react to the blow he took it head on as I slammed him into the ground causing the planet to explode under my fist. Lining up the next punch I covered my fist in a dense covering of magic to deal even more damage to him.

---Titan, Injustice Universe---

The second punch shot him through the destroyed Mercury, Venus, Mars, two of Jupiter's Moons, and onto Saturn's moon, Titan. Crashing into the surface of the moon Mister Mxyzptlk threw up a mouthful of blood.

'What the hell!?', he thought as he started shaking, 'There shouldn't be anyone like him!! This wasn't part of plan!'

Trying to get up, the world around him went dark as slammed into his head, feet first. Grabbing his ankle I started beating him into the ground over and over while blasting him with magic. After a few minutes I threw him into a mountain making it vanish as I hit him with an erasure spell. Crashing into the ground he quickly picked himself up as I walked over to him. Wiping the blood from his face Mister Mxyzptlk tried to find a way out of this.

'I can't flee because he will follow me instantly. It doesn't make sense, I have been picturing him dead, but it's not working!! Damn it Spectre I am your host, do as I command!!', he snarled at his enslaved spirit.

"You are a worthless host, and it shows here. His armor is protecting him from the effects of my power because his will is stronger than yours.", Spectre jabbed, "Unlike your bitch ass he is dead set on revenge, and is all in on killing you."

"Fuck you damn Spirit of Vengeance!", Mister Mxyzptlk shouted out loud.

"Done arguing with him?", I asked.

Turning back to where I should have been he didn't see me. Sensing me behind him a chill ran down his spine unlike anything he felt before.

'I...I can't beat him...', a thought came across his mind, 'He really is going to kill me!!'

Turning himself invisible he tried to flee, but I grabbed him by the skull.

"Where do you think you are running too...", I said in a icy cold tone, "Who said you were allowed to run from me? I didn't give you permission to runaway with your tail between your legs. You probably told Clark to send Lobo...your head is on the line as much as his. Bitch, you only get to die when I grant you permission to do so!!"

"I don't want to die!!", he screamed, "Let me go!!"

Applying more pressure to his head I turned him to face me.

"Now then...I will introduce you to my version of hell!", I said breaking into his mind with my psychic powers.

Destroying everything I saw I didn't see a need to look for anything. I wanted to leave him as an invalid for being a part of the attack on the people I loved. He had to suffer for all the murders he caused, and all the innocent lives he ended. I wanted him to writhe around in pain as I tore him apart bit by bit. No amount of reality altering power was going to save him from me.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!", he screamed as he spasmed violently trying to get free, "I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!"


Electrocuting him as I hammered away at his mind, he dropped to his knees as he screamed out for help.

"How many children called out for help when you let Superman slaughter them like sheep!!", I asked ripping apart his motor skills and sense of self, "How many families did you let him kill for your own amusement?! This fight was over the moment you laid your filthy hands on innocent children, and robbed them of their futures!! You had all this power to stop him, but you only contributed to his twisted ways!! For all the power you wield the only person you have ever cared about was yourself!! Today is your day of reckoning Mister Mxyzptlk, you will die by my fucking hands as I rip you apart bit by bit!!"

Blasting me with magic attempting to break free my suit absorbed the power, and redirected back him. Realizing that if this kept up he would die Mister Mxyzptlk yielded to me. Giving up all resistance I let him go as he couldn't use magic anymore nor even move. I had destroyed his motor functions and placed dozens of psychic barriers in his mind causing him immeasurable pain for casting the simplest of spells.

"No more...no more...", he cried as tears and snot ran down his face, "I yield..."

"Release the Spectre, or I will rip what sense of self you have left out.", I said with a scowl.

Releasing the Spectre as I ordered the Spirit of Vengeance left his body, and floated near me. Remaining silent as I put my boot on his neck he started pleading for his life.

"Save your pathetic cries for mercy for someone that gives a damn.", I said making a blade of solar energy, "I don't believe you deserve an inch of mercy for the crimes you committed. With all your power the only thing you have been able to do is be a fool. You could have been one of the most powerful Heroes ever, and helped save millions of lives. Ever since I stepped into your world, all I have heard is the voices of people crying for a savior. Your Superman has stopped listening to those cries because he is a blind fool."

Raising the blade up he offered to give me all of his power if I would just let him live.

"You could bring back all of those people!! Repair all the damage he has done!! Even shape the world into whatever you want!!", he said, "All of you, you can take it all!!"

Looking at him with a serious look for a moment I considered his offer. With his power I could do whatever I want whenever I wanted, and no one but God could stop me. I could fix this world and save countless others from destruction. Fixing Kara's world and stopping Joker from making Clark kill Lois were all possibilities that would be open to me. As I thought about it though...it was way too much power for me to hold.

'Someone like me shouldn't hold that much power. Just because I believe something is right doesn't mean it is. The world would shape to my whims, not follow what that world is supposed to do. I would have to decide who lives and who dies...', I thought, 'No matter what I do someone will always win and lose. Would having all that power make my family happy, or would it bring them pain?'

"Do we have a-", he started to say before I decapitated him.

"No, we don't have a deal. I am not God, so I will not pretend to be one.", I stated, "I am human, I make mistakes and learn from them. Your powers would tempt me to make a world in my ideal image, and that isn't right. We were given free will for a reason, and to force my will and desires on others who don't want it is inexcusable. I will protect what I love with my own strength and willpower."

Incinerating his corpse, Spectre grabbed his soul before it got away. Shattering it with his own hands Spectre turned to me with a serious look.

"You pass.", he said.

"Pass...pass what?", I asked.

"You didn't succumb to temptation, and take the deal.", he stated, "Being offered Reality Bending powers, and turning them down is no small feat. Many would have taken the offer without regret."

"I am not a perfect person, I have my faults. Having that power would have led me down a path I don't want to go down. I want to protect my loved ones, but not at the expense of innocent lives.", I said, "He was right, I could have used his power to warp reality in whatever way I wanted. Problem with that is that I would only reform it the way I believe it should be, and I am not always right. At the end of the day I would be deciding who lives and who dies...that is a power that no mortal should ever have. It would weigh to heavily on my conscious to know I am making a decision like that."

"That is precisely right.", God said walking into view, "I gave Free Will to all mortals because I didn't want to make machines. It is my greatest gift, but it also comes with the steepest price. Many people in the Multiverse think I am cruel for not stepping in to do more to save people. In giving you Free Will I put control of your worlds in your hands. The choices you make and follow are on your shoulders alone. You live with benefits or consequences you choose."

"Sir!", Spectre said with a salute.

Walking over to Spectre, God smacked him upside the head and called him an idiot for allowing himself to be captured so easily. Sighing with frustration God told him that he a lot of cleaning up to do moving forward.

"As for you Clark, you have certainly proved you are worthy of your power ten times over. I was worried there for a moment that I would have to smite you for making such a deal.", God said.

"I admit it was a tempting, there were a lot of good things I could have done to save people.", I stated looking back at Earth, "It is frustrating...he and I hear the same cries for help, but he turned his back on them. He's given up on them, and is now forcing his will on them even though they don't want. Most people just want to be happy and provide for their families, he is destroying humanity...not saving them."

"I agree with you.", he said looking at the world, "It is painful side of Free Will. All those innocent lives he has taken will be on his shoulders when his day of reckoning comes."

"I better get back.", I stated as I was about to fly back to base.

"Hold on a moment.", God asked, "I have a gift for you Clark."

Dropping a White Lantern Ring in my hand I looked at him in shock.

"You can't be serious!", I said, "This is-"

"I won't take no for an answer.", he chuckled, "You understand how important a life is no matter the age, race, or religion. Out of all the Heroes I have met personally you are the most worthy one I have met. If you are are serious about wanting to protect the life of every man, woman, and child this will help you. This ring isn't like the others, this ring is made specially for you to help others along with it's normal powers."

"Isn't this supposed to belong to-"

"This ring is combination of ten universe's White Lantern Rings...the ones Prime has destroyed.", he informed me, "At this point you are the only that will be able to go toe to toe with him. Learn to control the power of your White Lantern Ring, and become the true Guardian Angel: Superman."

"Don't call me that!", I sighed, "I didn't pick that name by choice! They just started calling me that without giving me an option."

"You know who came up with that name?", he asked.

"Someone in the news I think?", I replied.

"Several young children you saved.", he stated, "They told the reporters you descended from Heaven to save them hence the Guardian Angel title. All of them truly believe that I sent you down to save them when no other Heroes showed up."

"They...they did?", I inquired.

"Yes, the one who drove it home most was a young boy who would have lost his parents to a certain muscular villain. Your intervention kept his parents alive, and to that little boy you are his Guardian Angel. Like you have told others, being a Hero isn't always literally saving someone's life.", he told me with warm smile, "Unlike your other counterparts you are much more flexible, and determined. You have trained tirelessly to hone your powers pushing far beyond the limits of many Supermen. Out of all the Supermen you have done the most to ensure peace around your world. Don't think I haven't seen you quash international conflicts, and settle border disputes by disarming both sides. The majority of the population see you as the shining beacon of hope...the sole Hero that shows up when a child cries out for help. You have no idea how much that means to the people of your world, and how much fear that puts in the hearts of evil people. That ring embodies everything you stand for so wear it with pride!"

"I...I see.", I said putting the ring on.

"Follow what your heart tells you, and you will be alright.", God said, "Also, if you were wondering...your parents are proud of the man you were once and are becoming again. They said your continued charity work, and defense of others makes them proud to be your father and mother."

"...thank you for telling me...", I thanked him holding back my tears, "It...it means a lot to hear that I am making them proud."

Turning to his subordinate, The Presence sighed.

"Now then, Spectre...I think you will assist Clark in fixing the mess you caused.", God told his subordinate, "You will be joined to him for the duration it takes to restore peace to this Earth."

"I understand.", Spectre replied.

"Hold on...if you are fused to me does that mean you will see everything in my head?", I asked nervously.

"Something wrong with that?", Spectre inquired.

"I am a young man with a harem of beautiful women...", I informed him, "Going to have a lot of...awkward thoughts."

"For Pete's sake...", Spectre sighed, "Keep it too a minimum kid, and we will be fine."

'I am not so sure about that...', I thought.

Fusing to me felt less weird than I thought it would be. I could certainly feel his power in me, but it felt only slightly different from my usual state.

"Kid, for the most part, till we take on the Regime I will be only watching. The Imp blocked my connection to the universe so I will need to catch up on the state of things.", Spectre told me.

"Fine by me.", I stated, "So uh...any instructions on how to use the ring? I know it's about control and mental imaging, but I don't understand everything about it. For example...how do I tell when I need to charge it?"

"Uh...it stops working?", he replied.

"...if I am in the middle of a fight that would be problematic!", I retorted.

"You should be able to tell as you use it.", Spectre stated.

"Also...how do I charge it? I don't have a lantern for it.", I said.

"Don't ask me, figure it out yourself.", he retorted.

"This is going to be a very long day...", I sighed.

---Gotham Underground---

Touching down in the base the first person to move was Harley. Before I said anything she kissed me right on the lips before thanking me for saving her daughter and sister. Telling her it was alright I could sense Spectre wanted to kill her immediately.

"So...you gonna tell us how your fight went?", Constantine asked.

"I killed Mister Mxyzptlk in very painful way.", I said, "Spectre...Spectre destroyed his soul for entrapping him."

"Oh shit...", Constantine gulped, "That's really bad, there no coming back once your souls destroyed."

"So where is Spectre now?", Batman asked.

Shifting into the Spectre he looked at everyone with regret.

"I would like to apologize for what happened. My former host was overwhelmed by Mister Mxyzptlk, and was driven insane. As you know without a host I am pretty useless so it wasn't hard for him to entrap me within himself.", Spectre stated, "It doesn't excuse what happened, but I have been given orders by The Presence to assist in restoring the world to how it should be."

"Uh...is our boyfriend your new host?", Selena asked.

"The Presence said it was only till this world got back on its feet.", I stated as Spectre retreated again.

"What's that thing on your hand?", Ivy asked, "It feels really nice."

"A White Lantern Ring that The Presence gave me.", I said.

"Hold the bloody phone...you actually met The Presence!?", Constantine said in shock.

"Yes, I have met him a few times.", I replied.

"Do you fucking realize he is the most powerful being in the universe!? He doesn't even need to look at you or speak to wipe you from existence!", Constantine snapped, "You didn't bother to mention that sooner!?"

"You didn't ask.", I pointed out.

Staring at me he flipped me the bird, and called me a blithering idiot. Telling him to go fuck himself I called him a cocksucker and left it at that.

"So you are the strongest person in this reality then?", Harley asked.

"Damn straight.", I laughed, "My first order of business, Constantine isn't allowed to drink anymore."

"Jump off a cliff!", he spat.

"You need to stop drinking because now Superman is without magic protections.", I retorted, "I thought you'd want to harass him till I put under."

"You...", he said putting his glass down, "Your damn right I want to harass the hell out of that bloody asshole! Going to ruin his life for all the shite he's put us through, and I'll make sure he doesn't have any pleasure!!"

"I thought you were going to give him a chance!", Kara shouted.

Letting Spectre answer the question, he glared at her.

"He has torn this world apart for his own selfish reason believing his ideals were the law. How many lives does he have to take before you realize that he needs to pay for his transgressions? You going to give the poor souls he crushed peace in his stead? Vengeance will be served to him and all those that harm the innocent. The guilty must pay for their crimes, and those crimes are many.", Spectre said, "They will find no rest, no place to hide, and no peace till the end of time. Superman and Wonder Woman will die by my hands."

"Our hands...", I corrected, "Fact is he sent the imp to capture Harley's family as leverage against the Insurgency. They wanted to use a CHILD and INNOCENT BYSTANDERED as leverage in a fight that those two weren't a part of. Both of them haven't committed any crime yet were going to be used against you all. You want to tell those two that he deserves a second chance?"

Looking at the little girl neither of them could say that to the child. They were against killing, and I respected that because murder wasn't always the right answer. I just wish they understood some people had to die.

"We don't intend to drag you into killing them, but don't get in our way.", Spectre and I stated, "If you want to do something capture your friends so they can face justice for simply buckling under pressure. His killinga is partially their fault for not stopping him."

"Do you agree to leave them to us?", Batman asked.

"So long as they don't endanger the innocent we will leave them in your hands.", we stated.

Leaving at that we headed back to my world to prepare for the big assault.

---U.A High School---

Arranging for the Harley's sister and daughter to have a home on the Moon, I got them comfortable before heading to lunch with girls. They were happy to see me till Mina pointed out that I was wearing a ring. Immediately I was sat down for interrogations as to who, where, and why I got married. As they were bombarding me with questions the boys snickered shooting grins at me.

'As soon as you have girls that actually tolerate you I will throw you under the bus, and drive right over you when you fuck up.', I thought.

"Clark!!", the girls snapped.

"It's not a wedding band! It's a power ring!", I defended myself.

"What's a power ring?", Toga said sheathing her knife for a moment.

"Something I tried to build, but found it incredibly difficult.", I stated.

"I am not surprised, if you could make something similar to them you would be the highest level of genius.", Spectre stated.

"I had everything, but the power source down.", I pointed out to him.

"Who are you talking too?", Momo asked.

"Oh right...", I said giving Spectre magic from the suit.

Manifesting himself the entire room went died quiet. Staring at him trying to figure out if he was an invention or something else Spectre sighed at them.

"I am the Spirit of Vengeance, the Spectre.", he said.

"What a fucking lame title.", Bakugo chuckled.

"Indeed Clark, something like that should have a better name.", Ida stated.

"I am not an invention you children!", Spectre snapped, "I am the enforcer of The Presence!"

"They don't know who that is Spectre...", I groaned.

"Clark...", Ochaco said looking at me with a scary face, "Can you explain what's going on?"

"Yeah...", I said not prepared for the scary face.

Informing them of what happened, I left out the part about me killing the Imp and basically destroying his mind. Telling them how Spectre came to be attached to me and how I got the ring the girls calmed down. Knowing that I hadn't married anyone before the decided upon date their cheery demeanor returned.

"So do we all get one of them?", Mina asked, "If you got a violet one I want it!"

"There are violet ones, but you have to join the corps it belongs too. Each corps has it's own creed and rules so you have to understand them before joining.", I told her.

"So what is the violet colored one?", they inquired.

"Love, the other ones you could join are the the Green, Indigo, and Blue Lanterns. There are other corps, but you probably don't want to join them.", I stated.

"Why not?", Bakugo asked.

"Well the Orange is greed, Yellow is fear, Red is Rage, and the Black is death.", I replied, "Then there is my White Lantern Power Ring, but only one person can wield it unless the need arises."

"Can you tell us more about them?", Izuku asked with a curious look.

"Sure.", I said.

Telling them about each corps, and what they stood for all of them were quite intrigued by them. Asking for a demonstration with my ring, I made a light construct by willing it into existence which was harder than it sounded. Gasping at the giant Ferris Wheel I built on the center of campus the first thing that happened was Bakugo tried to destroy it. Hell bent on seeing how tough it was he tried to blow it up for a good ten minutes before quitting.

Removing it from the campus I turned back, and nodded my head to the students. As expected the first thing the girls asked for was to join one of the corps to get a ring for themselves. It wasn't a bad idea, but I doubted they understood how difficult it was to control one. The further you got to the edges of the spectrum the more it affected your emotional state. I will let them try it, but I wasn't sure how well it would go. The rings did choose the wielders after all.