
Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake

Inspired by the tale of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake begins the story of Bijou Luisant, who by her own hand thrusts herself into the militaristic webbing laid out by her father and close allies. What she experiences will change her life forever, as she unknowingly becomes a crucial part in a dark and twisted plot that will shape the TRAPPIST-1 solar system forever.

DaoistbcuPpy · 科幻言情
33 Chs

Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 28

----Chapter 28----

Written By

David Kenneth Lacey

The next morning, somewhere away from Truxem towards the west, a single custom DIC Frontier is seen flying in the skies. As it comes into view, it is reveled to be the Stage Fright Frontier, as it files in the skies-heading towards Truxem. However, it is seen to be heavily damaged, as it's EffectPhase Fabric will be in tatters and smoke is coming from several parts of its body. Inside the cockpit area, Cassius and his brother are seen-together.

As they are reveled, Cassius speaks to Callius-

Cassius Maverick

..."Hah".."Hah"...we...are almost at Truxem...

Cassius says this in a weary tone, indicating that he and his friends just barely escaped from whomever attacked them. His younger brother Callius then replies to him-

Callius Maverick

We can't rest yet, as we need to let everyone know that the Ascension are still tailing us. If we don't get there before they do, then everything will be destroyed again.

Cassius Maverick

I know. However, we can-


Just then, several small explosions occur on the Stage Fright Frontiers' back, which causes it to falter in the air. It's upper torsos' EffectPhase Fabric is torn off, leaving it shirtless, while it's legs still have some EffectPhase Fabric-but it's not going to last for much longer.

Back inside, Cassius and his brother grunt heavily from the shock-

Cassius Maverick


Callius Maverick

Grk...damn it!!

Cassius then manages to regain some control of his falling Stage Fright Frontier. It then struggles to stay in the air, as Callius speaks-

Callius Maverick

Is the Stage Fright alright?!

Cassius Maverick

...Yeah. I think it can make it to Truxem, at least.

Cassius then flips on the comms network and asks-

Cassius Maverick

Rusty? How are things looking down there?

Elsewhere inside of the Stage Fright Frontier, Raul are seen to be inspecting separate areas of the Stage Fright Frontier from the inside. He speaks into the comms in their areas-

Rusty Impulse

The EffectPhase Fabric is barely holding together, Cassius. It's so torn up that it might just fall off if we stay in the air for much longer...

Rusty says, also in the same worried tone that Cassius spoke in earlier. Back with Callius in the cockpit, he then replies-

Callius Maverick

Just keep an eye on it. As long as we stay in the air until we reach Truxem, that's all that matters.

Then, from the comms, Rusty replies-

Rusty Impulse (comms)

It's all going to come down to luck at this point, as there isn't anything else I can do.


With that, Cassius then attempts to connect his comms to another part of the Stage Fright Frontier. However, just before doing so, he will stop his hand from moving-

Cassius Maverick


As this occurs, Cassius' face is seen to now be wrenched in guilt, as he will be visually upset over something. Seeing his brother like this, Callius will explain why-

Callius Maverick

I know what you are thinking, Cassius. They wouldn't want to see you like this...

Callius says, hinting that both Atticus and Mitchell are dead. Cassius then replies with-

Cassius Maverick

...I know. That's why we need to get to Truxem all the faster, as their families are in danger...

Callius Maverick


With that, the Stage Fright Frontier continues flying towards Truxem, as briefly behind it from the outside, a menacing black cloud speeds towards Truxem.

"Scene Transition"

Back in Truxem, the entire city is once again seen to be deserted-

"Barren City"

Back at the hotel where Bijou and her friends stayed, the entire area is seen to be abandoned. Even though just last night and even early in the morning, people were present, now, the hotel has been closed and no one is present at the receptionist desk. As the scene moves back to the port area, a limo will be seen just coming up to the Capital Dreadnought standing by over there-



As the Limo stops, the doors will open to revel Fleet Captain Andrea, Bijou, Chole, Isaac, Captain Carlos and Captain Tatianna. After the come out, Courtney, Stella and Loretta will also come out of the limo, to which Courtney will speak to Bijou-

Courtney Knighthood

...Anyway, thanks for coming to wake me up again, Bijou. I always oversleep when I stay up after midnight.

Courtney explains, as she now has become so acquainted with Bijou that she's stop referring to her as "Ms. Luisant" and is now using her real name. Bijou then replies with-

Bijou Luisant

Don't mention it. I don't know what's going to happen today, but something is telling me that the safest place is inside of a Superior Splendor right now.

Courtney then replies-

Courtney Knighthood

After what we talked about earlier this morning, I can't say I don't believe you. Hopefully we'll have more time to talk after all of this is over, as your choice of milkshake was very tasty.

Bijou Luisant

It'll be my treat...

Bijou says, with a slight smile on her face. With that, Courtney and her friends will then leave to walk over to the hanger, where their Frontiers are, as Bijou then walks over to where her friends are, and then they all proceed to get into the Capital Dreadnought.

As they go, above them, Director Oberon is already inside of the Capital Dreadnought's bridge, along with all four Arbiters, who are seen briefly-

Arbiter Alexia Blue


Arbiter Noel Blue


Arbiter Silvia Blue


Arbiter Vivi Giant


As Director Oberon watches the group come aboard, he will keenly eye Bijou among them, before walking off screen. Then, the scene transitions-

Director Oberon Luisant


"Scene Transition"

A short time later, Captain Tatianna and Captain Carlos are seen to enter into their own separate bridges and sit down. As Fleet Captain Andrea sits in her seat, she will observe the new layout of this new bridge. The bridge will be separated into 3 sections-one on each side of the main bridge, which acts as the "1st Bridge". Bridges 2 and 3 are shown to have a small distance in-between them and the 1st Bridge, so that the orders of the Captains don't intersect each other, to which Fleet Captain Andrea will then notice that there is another seat left empty next to her-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Fleet Captain Andrea looks at this seat, she will imagine that this seat will have been for Captain Miracle, as ahead of her, both Arbiter Alexia and Noel will be present in their own seats-

Arbiter Alexia Blue

...Welcome aboard, Fleet Captain Andrea.

Arbiter Noel Blue


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Thank you, Alexia. It's good to be back...!

While Arbiter Alexia will speak up to welcome Fleet Captain Andrea into the new bridge, Arbiter Noel remains silent, as she is seen to still be injured. She still has the hat that belonged to Captain Miracle next to her, as behind her and her sister, Director Oberon then approaches Fleet Captain Andrea from her left, and then asks her-

Director Oberon Luisant

How are you liking your new warship, my dear?

To which Fleet Captain Andrea will reply-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...It's impressive, Sir. I read though this entire manual last night and understand how to maneuver this vessel.

Fleet Captain Andrea says, as she hands Director Oberon back the manual he gave to her yesterday. As he picks it up from her hands, he will pocket it in his suit, before he then replies-

Director Oberon Luisant

Good. Good...our upcoming role will be brief and without any fighting, as we just need to deliver to the Ascension a "gift", so to speak...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Director Oberon Luisant

Oh, and don't worry. I'll give you back full command of your ship in a second, as I just need to explain to your pilots what we are about to do here.

With this, Oberon now walks away from her, but as he does, he will take out a different booklet from his pocket, to which Fleet Captain Andrea will catch a glimpse of-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Fleet Captain Andrea looks at the booklet in Director Oberon's hand, the words "Operation S" will be clearly visible to her-but only for a brief second or two. She mutters to herself-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Now realizing what the booklet in Director Oberon's hand is, the scene will cut away to Director Oberon, as he will sit down in his seat away from Fleet Captain Andrea. As he does, he will then scan through the booklet to discover the page he needs to read-

Director Oberon Luisant


As he reads the pages he's interested in, he will then activate the comms in his ear once more, which will connect him to all of the DIC Blockades that remain on the ship. He then explains-

Director Oberon Luisant

Attention all pilots onboard this vessel. This is Director Oberon speaking. I have one last important announcement to make to you all, before I return control back to Fleet Captain Andrea.

Director Oberon now explains-

Director Oberon Luisant

With all of our civilians deep within the Understructure of this city, we will be leaving Truxem to face the Ascension, whom also have in their possession a Capital Dreadnought. Ever since you left to go to New Columbia, they have used several of these enormous ships to terrorize the DIC, using a powerful energy-based superweapon to eradicate most of our cities in the West Islands.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Arbiter Alexia Blue


Arbiter Noel Blue


As Fleet Captain Andrea and her two Arbiters listen, Director Oberon continues-

Director Oberon Luisant

Fortunately, most of our civilians have survived these attacks-thanks to the aforementioned Understructures. And more recently, we've rolled out new models to our aging Superior Splendors, which our "Operatives" over there have used to bring down 4 out of the 5 Ascension Capital Dreadnoughts.

Captain Tatianna Erina


Captain Carlos Kai


Arbiter Silvia Blue


Arbiter Vivi Giant


Then, scenes of the other Captains and their Arbiters are briefly shown, as Director Oberon continues-

Director Oberon Luisant

Now...during today's battle, most of you will remain in place on this ship-save for one Blockade. That Blockade will be the Liberty ErotiCake, as once we get to an appropriate altitude, it will glide out and meet up with two groups of reinforcements-before heading into the exposed parts of the enemy ship to find that superweapons' core reactor and disable it.

In the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou and her friends will react in shock-

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter

We're going to infiltrate the Ascension's ship??!

Bijou Luisant

What is my uncle thinking?!

As Bijou and her friends question this order, Director Oberon's voice will come from their comms, explaining the rest of the mission details-

Director Oberon Luisant (intercoms)

Of the reinforcements that Bijou will go with, the first will be the members of Stage Fright, who are on their way here as we speak in their own custom Frontier.

Bijou Luisant


Now, Chole speaks up-

Chole Madison

Stage Fright!?

Isaac Carter

...Didn't you mention earlier with Jonathan and Charlotte that you know someone from that group?

Bijou replies, softly-

Bijou Luisant

...Yes. Callius and I are...close...

Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Based on Bijou's tone, she will lighten up from her fears of facing the Ascension head on, as the thought of meeting her boyfriend Callius will calm her down. Director Oberon then mentions the other group of allies that will meet her-

Director Oberon Luisant (intercoms)

And the second group of reinforcements that will escort the Liberty ErotiCake to it's destination will be two members from two of our best corps in Old Columbia-which are comprised of our newest weapons, the "B3 Ragelion Blockades".

Director Oberon finishes up with-

Director Oberon Luisant

Finally...I have just one more thing to ask of Fleet Captain Andrea, before we leave Truxem. Would you consider naming this vessel the "Cerberus Midnight"?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Faced with this, Fleet Captain Andrea will pause, as Director Oberon explains-

Director Oberon Luisant

I ask this because of how this vessel now has three AI systems, which reminds me of the mystical beast with three heads from old times. Thus, would you like to label your ship with this name?

To which Fleet Captain Andrea replies-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Certainly, Sir.

Then, Director Oberon finishes up by turning off the comms in his ear-


And then saying-

Director Oberon Luisant

This is your stage now, my dear. Though, I still must insist that you follow my suggestion and have your ship positioned away from Truxem-to the west. After that, prepare to launch the Liberty ErotiCake exactly as I say, as the timing is very important...

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Of course...

Fleet Captain Andrea says, as she looks away from Director Oberon suspiciously. She then speaks out loud, asking-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...AI Cody? Are you there?

AI Cody

Affirmative, Fleet Captain Andrea.

AI Cody says, to which Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

After activating our EffectPhase Armor, raise us to an altitude of 1000 feet. Then have us move away from Truxem...to the west.

AI Cody

Of course.

With this, the Cerberus Midnight now prepares to take off by first activating it's EffectPhase armor. After this, the shipyard itself opens up automatically, to which once it's open, the Midnight, Dawnlight and Dusklight are seen briefly to have random people in their bridges-

Midnight Bridge


Dawnlight Bridge


Dusklight Bridge


These random individuals then move the three ships away from Truxem as well, but instead of heading to the west, they go towards the east. Behind them, the enormous Cerberus Midnight then raises up into the air-

Cerberus Midnight


As it does, it's full shape will come into view, to which it will appear as if it can transform into a humanoid form. Inside the bridge, Fleet Captain Andrea and her two Arbiters feel a bit of unease when the ship starts to falter to its left momentarily-


Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

Guh...! AI Cody! Keep us steady...

To which AI Cody replies-

AI Cody

Apologies, Fleet Captain. It would appear as if some of my wiring was mispositioned...

As AI Cody fixes the issue, the ship regains it's balance, to which back with Director Oberon, he then mentions this-

Director Oberon Luisant

...I hope you read the segment from that manual, which detailed how these new ships can "transform", my dear...

Director Oberon says, as if to imply to Fleet Captain Andrea that if she doesn't approve of AI Cody's guidance, she can take control of the Cerberus Midnight herself.

Fleet Captain Andrea then replies with-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I studied that information already, Sir. However, since you mentioned that we aren't going to be fighting the Ascension just a second ago, I won't be using that feature-unless I need to.

Director Oberon Luisant

Alright then...

With that, Director Oberon remains silent, as the Cerberus Midnight moves effortlessly through the air. Below it, three DIC Frontiers are seen to fly upwards, as inside the lead unit, Courtney and her friends are seen briefly-

Courtney Knighthood

Woooooah....it's so...huge....

Courtney quips, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Elsewhere, far away from Truxem, a single Ascension Capital Dreadnought is seen to be steadily approaching. Its hull will be battered in several places, and it will be traveling in its ship mode, as it's vanguard of Superior Splendors surround its exposed areas. The only difference this ship will have when compared to the Cerberus Midnight is it's bow section, which will have an enormous attachment to it, which is shown to be some kind of arching beam superweapon.

On it's Bridge, two Pink-skinned female individuals are seen, along with a small bridge staff comprised of Ascension males. The Captain sits cross-legged, while the lady behind her sits in her own seat, patiently studying a monitor with details on the AndroIs with a VERY keen eye. The Captain then speaks, alerting the woman looking at the AndroIs to pay attention to her-

Captain ???

...The Umbrella on this upcoming island is called...Truxem, I've heard.

The woman says, as she looks ahead of her. In the distance, Truxem is seen barely, as the woman next to her then speaks-


!...Yes, Captain. Queen Alexandra mentioned that we may attack this city with another "Bombarding Arrow", before moving on to do the same to the remaining Islands in the east. Though, as she's growing desperate for us to find her daughter, our time down here might come to an early end if we cannot find her in time.

The woman explains, as the Captain then looks at her in a perplexed manner. She replies and then asks-

Captain ???

I hope so, as this ship is our only presence left in the DIC at the moment. How can she even expect us to find Princess Media AND fend off the new offensive from the DIC all of a sudden...Noihs?

The Captain asks, to which the woman names Noihs then replies-

Advisor Noihs Ikuzu

That's just the paradox of being a soldier, Captain Esyllt. The realities of people like us are never really understood by those issuing orders from above, as sometimes they just expect the impossible...but, the simpler term is that we are disposable.

Advisor Noihs explains, to which Captain Esyllt replies-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

Hmph. Well said.


The two are now seen to give a simple chuckle at each other, and then, Captain Esyllt looks in front of her and speaks to her bridge staff. There are all pink skinned males on the Bridge with Captain Esyllt and Noihs, to which Captain Esyllt now gives an order-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

...Everyone! Please prepare to fire another Bombarding Arrow. Target, Truxem!!!

Bridge Staff

Yes, Captain!!!

Now, the Bridge Staff begin to speak-

Bridge Staff 01

Activating the core reactor!!!

Bridge Staff 02

Charge-40% and rising rapidly!!

As another Bridge Staff says-

Bridge Staff 03

We will be in range in 60 seconds, Captain!!!

Captain Esyllt Requiem

Good...will Catalyst be here, I wonder...?

Advisor Noihs Ikuzu

If so, then we will escape this place with our lives, I think...

"Scene Transition"

As the scene then transitions, back at Truxem, the Cerberus Midnight is now seen to move away from Truxem towards the west. As it does, three Frontiers land on the ship as it goes, to which across from them in the distance, another Frontier is seen to break out from the clouds and speed towards them-

Stage Fright Frontier


Inside, Cassius is seen to desperately try to hail the city of Truxem, though his comms will only sound off with static, as they are too far away, and their comms network is also damaged. Cassius speaks up, desperately-

Cassius Maverick

...Come in people of Truxem?! This is Cassius Maverick!! You all need to get the people to safety in the Understructure at once!!!

Callius Maverick

We just came from the West Islands, where the Ascension have destroyed all of our Umbrellas over there!!! If you can hear us, get everyone underground!!! Hurry!!!!


As more static comes out from their comms, both will realize that their efforts are in vein, as Callius mutters-

Callius Maverick


As it does, a massive shadow is seen further behind it, as in the bridge of the AA Capital Dreadnought, the Bridge Staff from before are seen to speak-

Bridge Staff 02

Energy charge at 95%....97%.......100%!!!

Bridge Staff 03

We will be in range to fire in 25 seconds, Captain.

Captain Esyllt Requiem

Good. Open the hatch and prepare to fire on my mark.

Just as she says this, her Advisor Noihs leans in closer to her to speak-

Advisor Noihs Ikuzu

Captain. We just detected more enemies-a DIC Capital Dreadnought leaving Truxem to our starboard and a fleet of new Blockades on our portside. That other enemy Frontier from before is still approaching the city ahead, but from our position, none will pose a threat to us firing another Bombarding Arrow.

Captain Esyllt Requiem


Captain Esyllt bites her lip quickly, hinting that she's upset at this news. Then, she speaks-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

...Ignore them all, as once we obliterate Truxem, we will only confirm if Catalyst is underneath the city. If it's not, then we'll immediately ascend out of their range and head back into low space.

Advisor Noihs Ikuzu

Yes, Captain!

As Advisor Noihs walks out of view, Captain Esyllt then raises her arm in a commanding fashion, as she says-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

Have our vanguard spread out in a "V" Fashion and position them along our bow at once!! All hands, level 2 battle stations!! And give me the timer for that Bombarding Arrow, too!!!

Bridge Staff

Yes, Captain!!

With that, on the middle bow of the Ascension Capital Dreadnought, a huge section begins to open up. Energy then begins to channel through a small opening, and then, a huge turbine concentrates a lump of energy, which then begins to produce huge sparks from the opening. The light from this weapon then causes the clouds around the ship to be pushed away, which as it expands, back with Callius and Cassius in their Frontier, they will see the light coming from behind them and turn the Stage Fright Frontier around-


Callius Maverick

!...Oh no!!!

Cassius Maverick

Were we too late...?!

Then, further away from them, the crew of the Cerberus Midnight will see the light coming from the approaching Ascension Capital Dreadnought. Fleet Captain Andrea and her Arbiters will react to the light-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

What the-?!

Arbiter Alexia Blue

What is that light?!

Arbiter Noel Blue

It's getting stronger!!

Director Oberon Luisant


Oberon smiles, as this is all according to the plan. As he and everyone else on the ship watch what's about to happen next, the scene will then transition back to the bridge of the Ascension Capital Dreadnought-

"Scene Transition"

Here, a Bridge Staffer counts down the time before they are ready to fire the weapon-

Bridge Staff #4

T-minus 10..9..8....

To which as he is about to finish, Captain Esyllt will quickly issue new orders to her Advisor, saying-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

Hopefully Catalyst isn't here, as we can't hold off those new models we saw back in the West Islands for long...

Advisor Noihs Ikuzu

Yes, Captain.

After issuing these orders, the Bridge Staffer resumes-

Bridge Staff #4

3..2...We are ready to fire on your mark, Captain.

Now, Captain Esyllt then stands up and says-

Captain Esyllt Requiem


Bridge Staff #4

"Button Press!"

A moment later, the Bridge Staffer presses a button, which causes an enormous blast of energy then flies out of the Ascension Capital Dreadnought-

Ascension Capital Dreadnought


As the mass of energy flies out, it arcs over the ocean and travels high in the sky-passing over the Stage Fright Frontier-

Callius Maverick


Cassius Maverick


It continues to fly over Cerberus Midnight and its crew-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Arbiter Alexia Blue


Arbiter Noel Blue


Director Oberon Luisant


Bijou Luisant


Chole Madison


Isaac Carter


Courtney Knighthood


Stella Aleister


Loretta Rhazien


Until it then flies downwards and slams at the base of the Umbrella in Truxem. As it does, an immense explosion follows-



Which causes the entire Umbrella and all of the cities to be instantly vaporized. The area below the Umbrella is also vaporized, as deep below in the Understructure, many civilians can be seen to be screaming at the shaking above-




As huge cracks open up in the ceiling above, violent winds and debris will crash into the areas below, as the entire area below will then disappear in a flash of light-

"Blinding Light"

Soon afterwards, everything disappears in a blinding light. After this, back on the Ascension Capital Dreadnought, Captain Esyllt speaks.

Captain Esyllt Requiem

...Bridge Staff!!! Engines at maximum!!! Take advantage of the confusion and push us right past that enemy DIC Capital Dreadnought at once!!!!

Bridge Staff

Yes, Captain!!!!!

With that, the Ascension Capital Dreadnought will then move straight forward, as it approaches Truxem.

As the light that enveloped Truxem starts to fade, back with the Cerberus Midnight, the island that used to be Truxem slowly starts to come into view. As the smoke dissipates, the entire Umbrella is gone, along with the city that was seen below it. In its place, an enormous crater is shown, where deep below, the Understructure is seen-



As the exposed Understructure is shown off briefly, back in the Cerberus Midnight, Arbiters Alexia and Noel are shocked to see such devastation-

Grid Arbiter Alexia Blue

...My goodness...

Grid Arbiter Noel Blue


After then, Fleet Captain Andrea is shown to be in just as much shock at the destruction she sees-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Truxem...it's all gone...

Director Oberon Luisant


As Director Oberon smiles at the destruction, he then gets everyone attention on the bridge by saying-

Director Oberon Luisant

Arbiters Alexia and Noel. You are both about to be contacted by Stage Fright and our other reinforcements that are approaching. Please prepare to speak with them...now...

Arbiter Alexia Blue


Arbiter Noel Blue


Just as Alexia and Noel show some surprise to Director Oberon's words, a second later, they get the contact-

"Ring Ring"

Arbiter Alexia Blue


Arbiter Noel Blue


With this, Director Oberon will explain-

Director Oberon Luisant

...Now that I get a better look at them, it looks like Stage Fright won't be able to do much of anything here after all. Though, I'm sure Lt. Generals Phoenixx and Sampson can at least send their proteges to escort Bijou...Noel.

Arbiter Noel Blue

Uh...yes, Sir. I'll be sure to tell them that...

With that, both Arbiters Alexia and Noel will still do as they are told, while looking suspiciously back at Director Oberon. Fleet Captain Andrea will also share their sentimentality, as he then looks over to her and says-

Director Oberon Luisant

As for you, my dear...just keep us at this position and prepare to tell Bijou to launch at once.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Yes, Sir.

She says, unable to question him on his orders, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Outside, in front of the Cerberus Midnight, the Stage Fright will be seen approaching the ship. As it does, it will not be able to land, as it instead crashes onto the ship, as it's EffectPhase Fabric returns back to its grey from-much like the Liberty ErotiCake nearby-


As it does, inside, Callius and Cassius will be just finishing up a conversation with Arbiter Alexia-

Cassius Maverick

GRKKK!!!...Phew...sorry about this, Ms. Silvia. We took too much damage during our previous engagements with the Ascension in the West Islands, so we can't help anymore right now...

Cassius says, in a defeated tone, as Arbiter Alexia replies-

Arbiter Alexia Blue (comms)

I understand, Cassius. Fortunately, we do have more reinforcements that can help Bijou get to her destination, as Director Oberon is the one who is asking for us to do this right now.

Arbiter Alexia says, subtly throwing some shade at Director Oberon. Cassius then replies with-

Cassius Maverick

Can't say much against the Luisants anyway. While Nicholas and Pierre told us before that the civilians would be safe, we didn't believe them...which is why things turned out this way in the first place...

Cassius mentions, indicating that his damaged Frontier is due to his decision to not believe Nicholas and Pierre beforehand. As he mentions this last part to himself, his brother Callius then speaks to Bijou's through the comms and says-

Callius Maverick

...Bijou? Did you catch that?

"Scene Transition"

As the inside of the Liberty ErotiCake is shown, Bijou and her friends are seen to be finishing up their own conversation with Fleet Captain Andrea via their comms-

Bijou Luisant

Yes, Callius...and Andrea. I'll move the Liberty ErotiCake to glide into the Ascension's Capital Dreadnought-just like my Uncle wants.

Bijou says, as a three-way conversation is now unfolding. Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks up via the comms from her bridge-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia (comms)

...I don't like sending you off on your own like this-but hopefully your Uncle isn't doing this just for the hell of it.

Bijou Luisant


Now, Director Oberon contacts Bijou via the comms he got from Fleet Captain Andrea. He says-

Director Oberon Luisant (comms)

Don't worry, Bijou. The reinforcements will help you reach the enemy reactor and disable it. You just need to focus on getting to that ship, as you will only have one shot to make it there.

Bijou then replies, confidently, as she will have already heard what is expected of her from Fleet Captain Andrea and Callius-

Bijou Luisant

Alright. I understand.

Bijou will say this with a solemn look on her face, to which the Liberty ErotiCake will then have a catapult extended in front of it and positioned to face the approaching AA Capital Dreadnought. As this happens, several lights appear in the distance, as the scene then transitions-

"Scene Transition"

Across the way, the Ascension Capital Dreadnought will be seen to now start to fly past the Cerberus Midnight-

Ascension Capital Dreadnought


Cerberus Midnight


While no weapons will fire between these two ships at this time, the Ascension Capital Dreadnought will instead fire it's portside weapons to the left-as they are assaulted by many new DIC Blockades-

DIC B3 Blockades


As they engage the defending AA Blockades and Frontiers, they will use beam weapons against the Ascension, which will punch clean through their Kinetic Barriers and destroy many of them-


With their vanguard crippled, some of the attacking DIC B3 Blockades will fly through the openings in the defense and will attack the Ascension Capital Dreadnought itself. As the ship takes damage, Captain Esyllt will be stressed-


Captain Esyllt Requiem

Ngh!! Those new DIC Blockades are too powerful!!

She says, as her ship continues to take more damage. Most of the attacks will come from the front portside of her ship, as her bridge staff then reply-

Bridge Staff 01

...Captain!!! We can see inside of the Island!!!

Captain Esyllt Requiem


Advisor Noihs Ikuzu


As the Ascension Capital Dreadnought flies past the Cerberus Midnight, it will be seen to be close enough to peer into the Understructure below. As it's shown, Advisor Noihs speaks-

Advisor Noihs Ikuzu

...It's just another Understructure...

Just as she says this, another explosion rocks the ship-


Advisor Noihs Ikuzu


To which Captain Esyllt then says-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

Order for the AI Blockades on our starboard side to back up our portside at once!!!

Bridge Staff #5

Yes, Captain!!

As Captain Esyllt relays these orders, outside her ship, her AI Blockades move away from the starboard side of her ship-which in turn leaves an opening for Director Oberon to act. On the Cerberus Midnight, Director Oberon then speaks-

Director Oberon Luisant

!...Now. Launch the Liberty ErotiCake!

Fleet Captain Andrea then speaks to AI Cody-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

AI Cody! Send out the Liberty ErotiCake at once.

AI Cody


With that, on the hull of the Cerberus Midnight where the Liberty ErotiCake is, it will now be poised to launch. As the launchpad on the catapult lights up, the Liberty ErotiCake is then sent out-

"Launch Catapult"

Ding. Ding. Ding. DING!

Liberty ErotiCake


As the Superior Splendor flies off of the Cerberus Midnight, it will head directly towards the opening on the starboard side of the Ascension Capital Dreadnought. As it approaches, more attacks will come from the portside of the Ascension Capital Dreadnought, while on the bridge, one of her Bridge Staff will speak up-

Bridge Staff 03

...! Captain!!! On our starboard flank!!!!

Captain Esyllt Requiem

!...Put it on hologram!!

Bridge Staff 03


As the Bridge staffer does as she's told, an image will come on hologram in front of everyone in the middle of the bridge. Now, the Liberty ErotiCake is clearly visible and heading directly towards the exposed areas of the ship, to which Advisor Noihs speaks up-

Advisor Noihs Ikuzu

Captain! The attack force to our portside is a distraction!! They are trying to board us!!!

Captain Esyllt Requiem


As Captain Esyllt mutters this, she will be caught between a rock and a hard place, as she then says-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

Get our AA guns online!! Shoot those Superior Splendors out of the sky!!!

Bridge Staff 03


Outside, the Ascension Capital Dreadnought is seen to activate it's AA guns along it's hull. However, just before they can target the Liberty ErotiCake, AI Cody then reacts-

AI Cody


Now, the AA guns on the hull of the Ascension Capital Dreadnought are seen to malfunction, as the scene then transitions back to inside of the bridge.

Here, the Bridge Staff from before speaks up-

Bridge Staff 03

...! Captain!! The AA guns are malfunctioning!!! Just like before!!!

Captain Esyllt Requiem


While the Bridge Staff says this, Captain Esyllt will now be forced to watch, as the Liberty ErotiCake glides into her ship. As she is unable to do anything about it, she will then refocus her attention to her crumbling portside defenses, as she asks-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

Have our forces along our portside return to the ship at once. We'll return back into low space to determine our next course of action, as we've at least confirmed that Catalyst wasn't below Truxem as well.

Bridge Staff

Yes, Captain!!

As Captain Esyllt issues these orders, outside, all of the AA Blockades and Frontiers that were seen engaging against the approaching DIC B3 Blockades will disengage and move to return to the ship.

However, as they go, a small group of B3 Blockades will stick out from the group, as within two of them, their pilots are seen to be getting a contact from Arbiter Alexia-

Arbiter Alexia Blue (comms)

...Lt. Generals Phoenixx and Sampson! Now's your chance to send in Chocolate and Vanilla!!

Arbiter Alexia says, as Lt. General Phoenixx speaks up-

Lt. General Phoenixx Marshall

We understand, little lady.

Lt. General Sampson then speaks up, saying-

Lt. General Sampson Simpson

You heard her, you two. Get into that ship and keep us posted on what else happens in there.

Vanilla ??? (comms)


Chocolate ??? (comms)


Back outside of these two Blockades, two more B3 Blockades will break off from the attacking group and fly towards the Ascension Capital Dreadnought. As they do, suddenly, AI Cody will also react by-

AI Cody


As it activates, it will show the two of these two new pilots a flight path to take, to which Vanilla will speak up from inside of her Blockade-

Vanilla ???

Hm? This flight path...that wasn't on the screen just a moment ago...

Then, the voice of Chocolate will come on her comms-

Chocolate ??? (comms)

Just make another note of that as well, Vanilla. We'll add that to the ongoing list of unusual circumstances we've heard about.

Vanilla ???

Of course.

With that, the two will maneuver their Blockades to fly along the flight path that was just given to them. As they do, they will enter into the Ascension Capital Dreadnoughts' damaged Curtain Barriers and fly alongside the ship, where they will then come into the same area that the Liberty ErotiCake entered into-just as the ship starts to ascend into the air. As it goes, it will continue to rise higher and higher, until it disappears into the sky, ending the battle.

After this, back on the bridge of the Cerberus Midnight, Director Oberon will smile, as he now prepares to leave the bridge-

Director Oberon Luisant

...Excellent work, everyone. Now, my dear, please have the Cerberus Midnight head towards Naboka, where Bijou will come back along with her friends.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Fleet Captain Andrea will react to the name "Naboka", but she will be stewing over the lack of information that Director Oberon has given her. She will be irritated that Bijou is now on the Ascension's Capital Dreadnought, while Director Oberon seems as if he doesn't care about that, as he then finishes up-

Director Oberon Luisant

Once there, all of you will have the night to yourselves to rest, to which tomorrow morning, we expect you to return to Wippertan, so we may end this war at last.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


With that, Director Oberon heads towards the doors to leave. But just before he does, Fleet Captain Andrea will call out to him-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Wait a moment, Sir...

Director Oberon Luisant


As Director Oberon looks over his shoulder back at Fleet Captain Andrea, she will be seen to be visually upset at what has just occurred. Thus, she will say-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

If I may speak out of turn, I would like to ask why you would send out Bijou into an enemy ship like this?

Director Oberon Luisant


Director Oberon remains silent, as Fleet Captain Andrea continues-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

I've long made it known that I have a goal of bringing to light this plan that you and President Sacha are orchestrating, as it's caused the deaths of many innocent people that I believe could've been averted. That said, I can't imagine why you'd send Bijou to the Ascension like this, as she isn't even supposed to be a pilot-let alone a soldier.

Director Oberon Luisant


Fleet Captain Andrea finishes up by asking-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...I don't know what it is that could be so important to Sacha that he'd change this much to do something like this. He wouldn't tell even me, despite all the respect I have for the man...and even you aren't going to tell me what I want to hear...?

Fleet Captain Andrea says, sure that Director Oberon will not reply to her. However, he surprises her by saying-

Director Oberon Luisant

...Actually, my dear, when Bijou returns to this ship later tonight in Naboka, she will give you all of the answers that you are looking for...in a copy of this book, in fact.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


As Director Oberon holds up the book that he was reading, it will clearly show to Fleet Captain Andrea the words "Operation SEED", which contains the information that Rebecca sought and costed her life.

Director Oberon continues-

Director Oberon Luisant

Sadly, I'm afraid that I must ask that you wait until she comes back to learn the truth of this war. The reason why I'm coming out and saying this to you directly now is because we are getting ready to step down from our positions-which is when you will have all the information into our activities throughout this war.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Director Oberon Luisant

Thus, all I ask is that you remain patient and wait for us to do what we need to do, in order to see this through to the end that we believe. Can you do that for me?

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


While Fleet Captain Andrea will want more answers, now that she knows her answers will come later tonight, she will hold back as she says-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...Yes, Sir. I understand.

To which Director Oberon then says-

Director Oberon Luisant

Then, I'll be leaving now with those two groups outside, as they will escort me back to Old Columbia, where we'll get ready for the final battle in space.

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia


Arbiter Alexia Blue


Arbiter Noel Blue


With that, Director Oberon will leave the bridge, to which Fleet Captain Andrea will then speak up to AI Cody-

Fleet Captain Andrea Regalia

...AI Cody...set a course for Naboka at once...

AI Cody

Of course, Fleet Captain.

"Scene Transition"

With that, the scene will transition to then show the Ascension Capital Dreadnought. As it continues flying upwards, it will soon come to a stop high above in the sky, as within the Bridge, Captain Esyllt speaks to her bridge staff-

Captain Esyllt Requiem

...Alright. Noihs, get our AA Blockades closer to where those DIC Superior Splendors flew into. I want them destroyed, before we-

Just then, the doors behind Captain Esyllt and Noihs open up, reveling two familiar individuals. They walk in and speak-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

Wait! Please!

Captain Esyllt Requiem


Advisor Noihs Ikuzu


As the two princesses walk in, Azalea and her sister then speaks-

Princess General Azalea Ascension

I...we wish to speak to one of the pilots of that Blockade that just landed at the bow of this dreadnought, Esyllt.

Princess General Fayola Ascension

If you could allow us, we'd like it very much if you could help us arrange a way to get to talk to her.

Captain Esyllt Requiem

Oh...of course, Princess Azalea.

Advisor Noihs Ikuzu

Your mother put you in charge of us, after all. Thus, we will do whatever you wish so long as we can.

Captain Esyllt and Advisor Noihs say, bowing their heads to both Princess Generals. In response to this, Princess General Fayola replies kindly-

Princess General Fayola Ascension

Thank you very much.

Advisor Noihs then speaks-

Advisor Noihs Ikuzu

What do you have in mind, may I ask?

Princess General Fayola Ascension


With that, Fayola and Azalea then proceed to inform Esyllt and Noihs of their plan, as the chapter then ends-