
Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake

Inspired by the tale of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake begins the story of Bijou Luisant, who by her own hand thrusts herself into the militaristic webbing laid out by her father and close allies. What she experiences will change her life forever, as she unknowingly becomes a crucial part in a dark and twisted plot that will shape the TRAPPIST-1 solar system forever.

DaoistbcuPpy · 科幻言情
33 Chs

Superior Splendor - Liberty ErotiCake - Chapter 02

----Chapter 02----

Written By

David K Lacey

Outside of Appledale from the west, many large ships are seen steadily approaching Appledale at just after night time. As they are reveled, many scared civilians from Ecogon are seen within, to which as the ships continue heading towards Appledale, the view then zooms out to above the ships to revel three huge AA Blockades flying just above them. They keep up with the ships, but do not fire at them, as they are mearly using them as hostages to get closer to Appledale.

Inside of each Blockade, a single AndroIs is seen piloting them, as they then receive a contact from space. As the contact is established and a hologram is deployed in front of the machine, the AndroIs speaks-

Princess General Fayola Ascension (Hologram)

...AndroIs? Can you hear us?

Princess General Fayola asks, to which the first AndroIs replies-

AndroIs #1

Yes, Princess General Fayola. We are currently about 2 miles away from the capital of the DIC, Appledale. What are your orders?

Princess General Azalea then speaks-

Princess General Azalea Ascension (Hologram)

You orders are to use those three Kris Blockades to assault Appledale as best you can. We don't expect you to get past their defenses at the beach with just three Blockades, as we are assuming that the Blockades in the capital of the DIC will surely be enough to destroy you all instantly.

Princess General Azalea Ascension (Hologram)

Before that happens, you are to return to the group that's heading northwards towards "Hilayornia", as this is just a test to see how strong our enemies will be down there. Do you understand?

While Princess General Azalea says this rather coldly, the individuals she is talking to are just machines, who then reply to her, saying-

AndroIs #2

Parameters recognized. And what of these civilians that managed to escape from Ecogon below us?

The AndroIs looks downwards, looking down at the ships below it. Princess General Fayola now speaks-

Princess General Fayola Ascension (Hologram)

Forget about them, as the DIC didn't even bother to send out a naval fleet to assist them from the other nearby islands. Just concentrate on fufilling your orders that we just discussed-and remember, we cannot afford to lose too many Blockades down there, as we don't have unlimited resources back at Mainland-but we can repair any that are damaged.



With that, the hologram then disappears, as the AndroIs then begin to move their AA Blockades away from the fleet of ships below. They raise them upwards, as they steadily approach Appledale in the distance...

Across that distance, along the beaches of Appledale many DIC Blockades, called "Peacebringer" are seen to be already lined up alongside the edges. As more arrive from behind, they do so along some kind of square-shaped energy platform, which is apart of the infastructure of Appledale. A quick shot of the enterior of a DIC Blockade is also shown, as each Blockade has five pilots sitting next to each other, with the middle seat inbetween four seats being the "main" seat. After this is shown, a random military commander inside of a commander Blockade meant for one speaks to a hologram in front of him-

Military Commander #1

...Mr. President. The enemy is coming towards us just ahead of our position. What are our orders?

The military Commander says, to which President Sacha replies to him-

President Sacha Luisant (Hologram)

Have your men hold their positions, as more reinforcements are already being delivered.

President Sacha says this rather confidently, to which the military commander then starts to look around him. He starts to see just how many Blockades are being delivered to the area, to which he starts to appear unsure that they need this many forces-

Military Commander #1


As more DIC Blockades arrive, the Military Commander will ask this of the President-

Military Commander #1

...Mr. President, Sir? There are only three targets coming towards us...do you really need to pull this many Blockades to face them?

The military commander asks, to which the view then pans over to where President Sacha and Vice President Georges are in the White Block. Here, President Sacha explains, in a cunning and slow manner-

President Sacha Luisant

We still don't know what the enemy is capable of right now, commander. And do not forget that they also holding the civilians who survived the battle of Ecogon as human shields. Thus, when all of the reinforcements arrive, you will have more people to help seperate the enemy from the ships, and then focus on defeating the enemy Blockades.

After explaining this to the military commander, he then speaks more confidently-

Military Commander #1 (Hologram)

I see. Very well, Sir. We will wait for the rest of the reinforcements, and then seperate the enemy from the civilian ships and destroy them.

With that, the military commander cuts out the hologram to carry out his orders. Afterwards, Vice President Georges speaks after checking a notepad in his hands-

Vice President Georges Luisant

...Sacha, our "extra" forces that will signal the next step of our plan are still in service around the base of the Umbrella until 11:00 PM tonight.

Georges says, as President Sacha then looks at his watch on his wrist to see the time. It shows "8:45 PM", to which President Sacha then smiles and then says-

President Sacha Luisant

Excellent. Now, everything is in place to have someone down there light the way to the "Beginning" of our plan...

With that, the view goes out to the base of the Umbrella, where many smaller construction mechs are seen. These are not called Blockades, as they only have tredmills for legs and small arms for carrying iron beams, but a few of them are seen to be outfitted with very strange instruments that are shown to be shaped like cannons, and as these weapons are picked up by the construction machines, the people inside of these machines speak-

Engineer Boss

Look alive, ladies! We gotta help out in the defense of our home, too!

The Engineer Boss shouts confidently, to which one of his subordinates asks-

Timid Engineer #1

But, Boss?! Aren't the Peacebringer Blockades already heading to the coasts to deal with the enemy?!

The timid Engineer says, to which his boss shouts at him, saying-

Engineer Boss

Of course they're heading there, you idiot!! But, even though we can trust them to get their jobs done, we too also have a duty to protect our families out here. Now quit asking dumb questions and get onto the "ESG Platform" that leads to the beach!

The Engineer Boss says, confidently, to which all of the Engineers say in unison-


Y-YES, Boss!!!

With that, about 8 or so construction mechs get onto the ESG Platform system with their "Special" weapons in hand, and then head out to the beach. As they go, back at the coast, the last remaining DIC Blockades finish arriving and are then locked into position. As they remain in their Block modes, they expect the enemy to come from the direction of the ships below, while not paying attention to the areas above the ships coming towards them. As the ships begin to approach, some of the Pilots within the Peacebringers look for the enemy-

DIC Pilot #1

...Where is the enemy...?

The DIC Pilot asks, as he looks directly in front of him out towards the ships approaching Appledale. As other pilots also search for the enemy, the commander also looks for the enemy ahead of him, when suddenly, it happens-


Military Commander #1


Without any warning, the three AA Blockades decend from the darkness above the Peacebringer Blockades and begin to rain down beam attacks from above. Due to their pilots being AndroIs, they are far more accurate in targeting several stationary DIC Blockades, and virtually all of their attacks hit their intended targets.


As the hellish attacks from above continue, the pilots within are shaken up tremendously, as the explousions begin to destroy the powerful armor of their Blockades. While the armor of the DIC Blockades are durable, they can't sustain damage endlessly, and as the armor is picked apart by the continuious attacks from the AA Blockades, they soon start to crumble and then the beam attacks start to pierce through the armor. As this occurs, one Blockade with five pilots is seen, as each one cries out just before their Blockade erupts-

Pilot #1

GHK!!! Our Blockade's armor!!!

Pilot #2

It won't last-

Pilot #3


Pilot #4


Pilot #5


As more explousions from Blockades occur, for some, the attacks from the AA Blockade are percise enough to piece through the tough armor of their Blockades, which causes them to erupt in an explousion. Inside of many other Blockades, several more random pilots are seen to speak into their Holograms to the Commander-

Pilot #2


Pilot #5

Their attacks are too strong!!!!

They say, as all over the Hologram comms, hundreds of pilots inside of the Peachbringer Blockades yell out the same thing. As the AA Blockades continue to pummel into their Blockades using their beam attacks, across the way back with the civilian ships, they see the battle occuring at the beach and begin to split away from the area-desperate to evade the upcoming battle.

Back at the beach, the Commander in charge of the battle issues this statement to his men-

Military Commander #1

...Attention all remaining forces!!! Anyone who can fire at the enemy, do so immeadiatly, as the civilian ships are breaking off from this area!!! Don't hold anything back!!!!

The military commander shouts, to which many Pilots then reply over the Hologram comms-



Now, a concentrated attack from the many hundreds of remaining DIC Blockades occurs, as they start to fire at the three AA Blockades attacking them from above. As they fire their bullets and missles, their attacks prove to be ineffective, as each of the three AA Blockades have a powerful "Curtain Barrier", which generates a 360-degree energy field around each AA Blockade-protecting them from all of the DIC Blockades attacks below. The Curtain Barrier is generated by several "emitters", which produce a steam of energy that makes up a "section" of the 360 energy barrier, with each AA Blockade having at least 30 emitters all over their Upper Shoulders, Torso and Upper Waist area.

As this occurs, some of the DIC Pilots speak in horror as to what is happening-

DIC Pilot #4

What...what is going on??!

DIC Pilot #7

A field of energy?!!

A quick view of the three AA Blockades floating in the air will be shown-

*Revel of AA Blockades*

As another DIC pilot speaks-

DIC Pilot #1

With that in our way, our attacks won't work!!!

Some of them announce, to which within the cockpits of the AA Blockades, the AndroIs begin speaking amoung themselves, as the resume attacking the DIC Blockades below-

AndroIs #1

...Resistance from the DIC is much more pathetic than anticipated. At this rate, we could even fly up to the heart of the DIC, the White Block, and destroy it.

It says, as it sends out more lasers down below-causing more explousions. Another AndroIs speaks-

AndroIs #2

Based on our current level of progress, I would suggest that we do just that.

It says, as it also rains down more destruction. The AndroIs now believe themselves to be invinsible, to which the last AndroIs says-

AndroIs #3


Just before the AndorIs within the AA Blockades can proceed further, the engineers arrive from the ESG system and then step off of them. As they take aim at the AA Blockades, the proceed to immeadiatly fire their weapons at the AA Blockades, to which as the blast connects with the Curtain Barrier-


AndroIs #3


As the blast from the Kinetic Blaster hits the Curtain Barrier, it doesn't disipate, as it seemingly "sticks" in place-while also generating force against the Curtain Barrier. What happens next is that the emitter that is generating the stream of energy is then damanged by the force generated against it, which leads to holes opening up in the sections of the energy shields that specific emitter is generating.

After this happens, some of the remaining attacks from the DIC Blockades manage to fly into these holes that were created by the sudden appearnce of the construction Blockades in the background, which damages the AA Blockade in the air. As this occurs, the AndroIs speaks-

AndroIs #3

How does the DIC know the weakness of the "Curtain Barrier" technology?!

It says, confused as to how the DIC managed such a feat. The other AndroIs then speak-

AndroIs #2

The situation is now untenable. We should return to the fleet that is heading northwards so that we may reasses our strategy with the Princess Generals.

It says, ready to retreat. However, the last AndroIs then says-

AndroIs #1

Wait! ...Look closely at what is damaging our Curtain Barriers.

As this AndroIs mentions this, the AndroIs will now take a closer look at what is attacking them. They then say-

AndroIs #1

Those machines look as if they are used for the construction-unlike those military Blockades that are meant for war.

Faced with this analysis, the other AndroIs say-

AndroIs #2

Your brief investigation appears to be correct. Thus, this may be the only group that has those weapons...

It says, as this AndroIs then takes aim at all of the construction Blockades in the background. As this happens, the construction Blockade pilots see the AA Blockades taking aim at them and then scramble to retreat-

Construction Blockade Pilot #1


Construction Blockade Pilot #2

We gotta go!!!!!

They shout, as they start to retreat. Their boss sees them and tries to shout back at them-

Construction Blockade Boss

Hold your ground!!!! Huh?!

He only has time to look back at the AA Blockades, as they then rain down destruction onto them as well-


Construction Blockade Boss


As a bright light envelops the area, the Construction Blockade and all of the other Construction Blockades in the area and some of the DIC Blockades in the area disappear in a flash of light.

Back with the AA Blockades, inside, they speak amoung themselves-

AndroIs #2

...Now that they have been dealt with, we have the option to either continue with the mission or retreat. What should we do?

It asks, as the other AndroIs speak up-

AndroIs #1

I believe we should still continue on with our orders, so as to make the DIC look that more incompotent. Afterall, having such a small force as ours attack the heart of the DIC, this event will impart a great psychological blow on all who oppose the Ascension in the future-espically if we destroy the White Block above.

This AndroIs says, indicating that it's thinking about how their actions will affect the future. As the AA Blockades look above them to the Umbrella, the other AndroIs then says-

AndroIs #3

...I agree with your assesment. Now, let's fly upwards.

It says, as it and the other two AndroIs move their AA Blockades to begin rising upwards. As they leave behind the destruction below, the Construction Blockades are shown to be destroyed, but all of the pilots within DO survive the attack from the AA Blockades. The Boss and his friends, bloodied and beaten, tries to speak-

Construction Blockade Pilot #1


Constuction Blockade Pilot


Construction Blockade Boss


They groan, as around them, the pilots and commander in the DIC Blockades around them were sadly not as lucky to escape with their lives. As scenes of death and destruction are shown, blood and limbs are scattered within many destroyed DIC Blockades, as their destroyers leave them behind below...

As the three AA Blockades fly up to the edges of the Umbrella in Appledale, they soon land and then immeadiatly proceed to fire their weapons at several buildings that belong to the wealthy along the edges. As the buildings are destroyed, several people that look familiar are seen just before they are killed. After this is shown, the three AA Blockades are then assualted by the DIC Blockades that are stationed in the Umbrella city. The AA Blockades have to take cover behind the smoke clouds and destroyed buildings in front of them, in order to hide the holes in their Curtain Barriers, as the DIC Blockades take aim at them and bombard them with their weapons. The tactic works, but it doesn't allow the AA Blockades to fire back in the ways that they want to, as if they move then the smoke clouds from the destroyed buildings will then expose the holes in their Curtain Barriers. The AndroIs then speak about this-

AndroIs #1

...Unable to fire back properly. If we move, the DIC Blockades will see the holes in our open Curtain Barriers.

It states, as the bombarding from the DIC Blockades across the city continues. The other AndroIs also say-

AndroIs #3

We should remain in this position and await an oppertunity to return fire, then.

It says, as the three AndroIs proceed to hunker down and wait for an oppertunity to retaliate. This decision is noticed by the DIC Blockades, as some of them react by moving their heads-

DIC Blockades


They then proceed to quickly regroup and reasses the situation, as back at the White Block in the center of the Umbrella, Vice President Georges is seen to be handling several calls from commanders via hologram. He speaks-

Vice President Georges Luisant

...That is correct, Commanders. Right now, the enemy can't move due to sustaining damage to those...strange barriers around them. Thus, have your men above in the Upper-City continue to regroup at a distance-and get some of them to switch out their weapon loadouts while we still have some time.

Vice President Georges says, while President Sacha watches the situation unfold in the background. One of the Military Commanders replies-

Military Commander #2 (Hologram)

Yes, Sir.

Vice President Georges then ends the conversation by saying-

Vice President Georges Luisant

Oh, and make sure to get any remaining civilians in the Upper-City to safety. They will be safe in the Mid-City, while everyone else in the Under-City can retreat into the "Understructure".

Military Commanders (Hologram)

We understand, Sir.

Vice President Georges Luisant

Good luck to you, then.

With that, the Commanders on the Holograms sign off. President Sacha is then seen, as he turns around to face his desk, where a document is seen. As he picks it up and inspects it, some of the document will be shown-

President Sacha Luisant


As President Sacha now reads the document, it clearly states that if the construction mechs didn't use their make-shift weapons to open up the holes in the AA Blockades Curtain Barriers tonight, then they would've deployed some kind of "Kinetic Turrets" that are hidden within the city below in the Undercities to do that task instead. But, President Sacha doesn't need to do that now, as he now then looks to Georges and then asks him a question-

President Sacha Luisant

...Georges. Please get into contact with my sons and ask them what is the status of the Liberty ErotiCake.

Vice President Georges Luisant

Of course, Sacha. Give me one second...

Georges now operates the Hologram station in front of him, to which as he connects to Sebastion and Cesario. As the contact is established, a Hologram for both boys doesn't appear, as it's just a simple comms contact. Vice President Georges speaks-

Vice President Georges Luisant

...Sebastion? Cesario? Where are you two at right now?

The view then cuts over to the inside of the Liberty ErotiCake's personal hanger/statue. Inside, Sebastion and Cesario are coming up in the elevator that Bijou used earlier, to which they speak into their earpieces-

Sebastion Luisant

We are just about to get into the Liberty ErotiCake via the elevator in here.

Cesario Luisant

We didn't see Bijou along the way, so she's probably somewhere else. We'll look for her once we repel the AA Blockades from Appledale.

Back with Vice President Georges-

Vice President Georges Luisant

...I understand.

Vice President Georges now looks over to President Sacha and speaks to him-

Vice President Georges Luisant

Sacha. Sebastion and Cesario didn't see Bijou along the way to the Liberty ErotiCake, as they are just about to get inside of it.

As Vice President Georges says this, President Sacha replies to him by saying-

President Sacha Luisant

Alright, Georges. Tell my sons to proceed, then.

Vice President Georges Luisant


As Vice President Georges moves his head back to the mic in front of him, he speaks-

Vice President Georges Luisant

...Sebastion? Cesario? Once you get int-

Suddenly, Sebastion and Cesario sound surprised, as they speak-

Sebastion Luisant (comms)


Cesario Luisant (comms)

What the hell??!!

Vice President Georges then quickly speaks up, asking-

Vice President Georges Luisant

What's going on?!

President Sacha Luisant


Just then, back with Sebastion and Cesario, the two brothers are seen to suddenly hold onto the ramps along the walkway, as the walkways then seperate before they can get any closer to the cockpit of the Liberty ErotiCake. As this happens, the statue then splits open, which then revels the Liberty ErotiCake to all in the citybowl and the three AA Blockades. As the Liberty ErotiCake is seen in it's iconic pose, Sebastion, Cesario, Vice President Georges and President Sacha can't believe their eyes, and then inside of the Liberty ErotiCake, it's pilot is none other than Bijou Luisant herself, as she is now reveled to be the pilot.

Bijou Luisant


As Bijou is at the controls of the Liberty ErotiCake, she has a short flashback-recounting how she learned to control the Liberty ErotiCake. Here, Bijou is seen with her mother in the distant past-but her mother's face is seen in shadow. As Bijou is seen sitting in her lap while her mother sits in the main seat of the Liberty ErotiCake, Bijou is seen trying to play with some of the buttons around her. Her mother then speaks to her, repriminding her in a playful tone-

??? Luisant

Ah ah ah...don't touch those, Bijou...

Bijou's mother says to Bijou, to which she ask-

Bijou Luisant

Ok...but, what do these do, mommy?

Bijou asks, to which her mother replies to her-

??? Luisant

Well, should you press these buttons, it will then deploy a powerful weapon called the "Liberty Blaster", which I always make sure to leave at 10% power-in case of emergencies.

Bijou's mother explains, to which Bijou asks-

Bijou Luisant

Can I see it, please?

Bijou asks her mother innocently, to which her mother soon replies-

??? Luisant

...Well, I suppose a demonstration would make you happy...

Bijou Luisant


Faced with her daughter's smiling face, Bijou's mother decides to show her daughter the Liberty Blaster-but just as a demonstration. She then speaks-

??? Luisant

Alright...here we go!

Bijou Luisant


Rhapsodie now engages the Liberty ErotiCake's Liberty Blaster as a demonstration, which rises from the back of the Liberty ErotiCake and then docks into tips of the sholders. A port on each of the shoulders is seen to be exposed, to which Rhapsodie then disengages the Liberty Blaster, as it is a very powerful weapon. Bijou speaks.

Bijou Luisant

It's amazing, mommy!!! ...Can you show me how to deploy this weapon again? Just in case I need to use the Liberty ErotiCake one day?

Bijou asks kindly, to which Rhapsodie then responds-

??? Luisant

...Alright, Bijou. But, you have to promise me that you'll never use it unless you have something special to protect. It is a very powerful weapon that can destory many things...but, it can also save the lives of others-if used properly. Do you promise?

Rhapsodie now has a serious expression on her face, to which Bijou sees and then responds-

Bijou Luisant

...I promise.

As Bijou's mother then proceeds to show her daughter how to deploy the Liberty Blaster again, the flashback ends.

Back in the present, Bijou is seen to press the buttons needed to deploy the Liberty Blaster-just like her mother showed her. As she does this, a Hologram forms next to her, reveling both Vice President Georges and President Sacha. Vice President Georges then speaks-

Vice President Georges Luisant (Hologram)

...W-who is inside of the Liberty ErotiCake??!

Vice President Georges demands, to which Bijou calmly speaks back to him-

Bijou Luisant

Georges? It's me, Bijou. I'm inside of the Liberty ErotiCake.

Bijou announces, seemingly simple enough. Vice President Georges then replies rather surprised, saying-

Vice President Georges Luisant (Hologram)


Back at the White Block command Room, Vice President Georges is clearly shocked to hear Bijou's voice from inside of the Liberty ErotiCake. As the Hologram is established, he can see Bijou sitting in the main seat, to which President Sacha now gets up and starts walking over to where Georges is. Vice President Georges then asks Bijou-

Vice President Georges Luisant

Bijou! What are you doing inside of the Liberty ErotiCake?!

Vice President Georges demands, to which Bijou responds to him calmly-

Bijou Luisant

I saw on the news a little while ago that a group of terrorists attacked and destroyed Ecogon earlier this morning. Once I heard of that, I then just put the mentions that I overheard when coming back home with that information to determine that what people were scared of was the idea of this enemy coming here tonight. I then decided to get the Liberty ErotiCake moving, so as to help out.

Faced with this, Vice President Georges says over the Hologram-

Vice President Georges Luisant (Hologram)

You...actually checked the news...?

Vice President Georges says, dumbfounded that Bijou actually checked the news and could then deduce this conclusion from just that and whatever she overheard. Just then, President Sacha places his hand on Georges's shoulder, to which Georges now looks to Sacha and sees that he wants to talk to Bijou. Georges then moves aside, which allows Sacha to step foward and speak to the Hologram of Bijou that Georges was just talking to-

President Sacha Luisant

Bijou...step out of the Liberty ErotiCake and let your brothers inside of it. They are still on the ramps to your sides, aren't they?

Bijou Luisant (Hologram)


Back with Bijou, she now looks to the sides of the Liberty ErotiCake and sees that her brothers are still holding onto the ramps looking back at her-just like her father said-

Sebastion Luisant


Cesario Luisant


Bijou Luisant


Both men have shocked expressions on them, to which President Sacha then continues to speak to Bijou over her Hologram-

President Sacha Luisant (Hologram)

You are not yet old enough to know what this war is about, Bijou. That is why I'm telling you to get out of the Liberty ErotiCake right now and let your brothers fight in it instead.

Bijou Luisant


Bijou thinks to herself for a moment, and then speaks back to her father.

Bijou Luisant

...Are you telling me that...because you don't want me to end up like how mother did 3 years ago...?

President Sacha Luisant


Vice President Georges Luisant


As both President Sacha and Vice President Georges fall silent, Bijou then looks down. A moment later, she then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

...Honestly father, you should know that I've already accepted her death by now. She died believing in her morals, as she did what she did because she loved this country-it's people and all of us...just like you told me back then.

President Sacha Luisant


President Sacha's voice is now strained, while Georges stays quiet-

Vice President Georges Luisant


Bijou continues-

Bijou Luisant

Mother always told me that when I grew older I would need to develop my own morals that I believe in, to the point that I would be willing to fight for them against any threat to our home. Now...in this moment, I'm inside of the Liberty ErotiCake-Mother's Blockade, because before she died she made me promise her that I wouldn't use the Liberty Blaster unless I have something special to protect.

Bijou Luisant

Back in those days, I never really had to think about something like what Mother was telling me about...but...right now, in this very instant...I finally realize what she was talking about.

Bijou now raises her head, which shows her face-full of conviction. She then speaks-

Bijou Luisant

I want to protect all of the people that live here in the DIC, whom include husbands, wifes, children and everyone else in between. All of the people who have things to protect and things to find in this nation...I will protect them all by myself-with the Liberty ErotiCake's power!!!

Bijou now presses the same buttons that her mother did before, which engages the Liberty Blaster. It raises up from the back of the Liberty ErotiCake and then docks into the tips of the shoulders. Bijou then speaks, as she has the Liberty ErotiCake hold onto the handles for the Liberty Blaster, which lower itself in front of the Liberty ErotiCake now-

Bijou Luisant

And most importantly, I will protect my family!!!



With that, Bijou turns off the comms and then moves the Liberty ErotiCake out of it's secret hanger. As she does, many Pilots inside of their Blockades in the area see this and speak-

DIC Pilot #7

Is that...the Liberty ErotiCake?!

DIC Pilot #9

It's actually moving?!!

DIC Pilot #5

Who is piloting it??!

They wonder, as Bijou then aims the Liberty Blaster at the AA Blockades. However, just before she can fire the Blaster at them, the AA Blockades see her along with the Liberty Blaster aiming at them, and then reacts-

AndroIs #1

!...New DIC Blockade detected-along with an unknown weapon attached to it's front. Proceeding to intercept-

It says, as it then moves it's Blockade foward, charging towards Bijou in the Liberty ErotiCake. As it flies, it prepares to fire it's weapons at Bijou, who can't react to this new threat-

Bijou Luisant

KH!!! I can't defend myself like this!!!!

Bijou screams, as back in the White Block, Vice President Georges thinks quickly and then activates the Hologram in front of him to connect to the DIC Pilots in the Upper-City directly. As the contact is established, he then speaks-

Vice President Georges Luisant

Attention all DIC Pilots in the Upper-City! Protect the Liberty ErotiCake, as it is going to use it's powerful Liberty Blaster in order to destroy the enemy!

Vice President Georges says, to which many DIC Pilots then reply by firing their weapons at the approaching AA Blockade. As their weapons connect with the Curtain Barrier, most of the attacks are reflected-but a few lucky shots do make it into the open holes from before and start to do minimal damage to the Blockade within. As this happens, the AndroIs speaks-

AndroIs #1

...Damage minimal. Proceeding to fire at that unknown Blockade...

It says, as it moves the AA Blockades' hand to take aim at Bijou in the Liberty ErotiCake. However, just before it can fire, Bijou is seen to have the Liberty ErotiCake poised to fire at it, as she speaks-

Bijou Luisant

Heh...it's a good thing Mother left the Liberty Blaster charged at 10%. Otherwise, I would've had to charge it up for some time-

Just as Bijou mentions this, she then pulls the trigger for the Liberty Blaster-


An instant later, a blast of energy pours out from the tip of the Liberty Blaster, flying directly towards the approaching AA Blockade. As the beam travels across the streets, it then soon slams into the AA Blockade, cutting off it's flight path and stopping it dead in it's tracks-


AndroIs #1


It says, as further behind it, the other two remaining AndroIs in their own cockpits see the blast connecting-

AndroIs #2


AndroIs #3


As the beam connects with the AA Blockade, it's Curtain Barrier is shown to become distorted by the power of the blast, as while it's an energy weapon, it's makeup still allows for it to push against the emitters that are creating the Curtain Barrier-just like the special weapons proved before. As the emitters are further destroyed, the AndroIs inside reacts-

AndroIs #1


An instant later, it then has it's Blockade fly backwards-attempting to fly away from the range of the Liberty Blaster. However, the beam can travel a very long way-even further than the edges of the Upper-City, to which once the AA Blockade gets that far it then falls downwards, as the beam continues to fly off into the distance-

*Liberty Blaster beam*



As the AA Blockade decends downwards, it soon stops falling due to it's "EffectPhase" armor saving it from continuing to fall. As it regains it's original stance, the AndroIs inside speaks-

AndroIs #1

...That blast managed to destroy most of the Curtain Barrier emitters?! How is that possible??!

It states, as it then observes the critical state that it's Curtain Barrier emitters are in. The blast from the Liberty ErotiCake was so strong that it managed to fry all but 2 of the emitters that generate the Curtain Barrier on this specific AA Blockade. Moments after observing this, suddenly, several explousions surround the damaged AA Blockade-


AndroIs #1


Coming from below the AA Blockade hovering in the air, the rements of the DIC Blockade force below now mount a reinforced barrage, firing their weapons above them at the AA Blockade. As they fire their weapons at the AA Blockade, their attacks start to do moderate damage, as within, the AndroIs speaks-

AndroIs #1

...Situation is now untenable. Proceeding to retreat from this airspace-

It says, as it then turns it's Blockade around and prepares to leave. Back above at the edges of the Upper-City, the other two AA Blockades are seen firing some more of their weapons further ahead, but when they hear this request, they then disengage and say-

AndroIs #2


AndroIs #3


They announce, as they then have their AA Blockades rise up and follow the retreating AA Blockade-ending the battle. As the AA forces retreat, the Pilots let out a triumphant roar-

DIC Pilots

!...They...are pulling away from Appledale!!!!!

DIC Pilots

We...we won!!!!!

They chant, as they won against the AA Blockades-albeit through making them retreat. As this happens, Bijou is seen to be happy about the AA Blockades retreating, as she says-

Bijou Luisant

...Phew...thank goodness they decided to leave, as I don't think I could've taken them all on with just this Blockade...hm?

As Bijou sounds happy that the AA Blockades are retreating, she then suddenly stops to notice where the AA Blockades were standing now. As she does this, she instantly recalls who used to live at the edge of the Upper-City, as she then starts to frantically zoom in on the area-

Bijou Luisant

GASP!!! ...Oh...oh no...!

As Bijou sees on her screen in front of her the ruined buildings, one of them sticks out as being the homes of her friends that she was just talking to earlier in the night. As she sees their homes on fire, tears start to swell up in Bijou's eyes...as the chapter then ends-

----Chapter END----

Apologies for the poor formatting. I'm still new to how things work on Webnovel and this is just how it came out. If anyone can offer me any suggestions on how to better format my work, I'd be very appriciative of the gesture.

DaoistbcuPpycreators' thoughts