
Superior Instinct

Xen Yu, another child born in the cruel and competitive world of fighting. A world where all problems are settled through fighting. Many warriors rise and dominate the world around them. Many succumb and become prey.

Seth666 · 漫画同人
1 Chs

Day 1

-Age 7-

Xen Yu, another child born in the cruel and competitive world of fighting. A world where all problems are settled through fighting. Many warriors rise and dominate the world around them. Many succumb and become prey.

Through years of constant fighting and lawlessness, humans eventually developed innate physical talents which evolved fighting into a new realm. Even normal humans were born with decent athleticism and strong enough to put small dents in metal.

Xen on the other hand was born with extraordinary and extremely advanced instincts, instincts that spoke to him as if telling him exactly what to do.

The world had become to a point of extreme violence where students had to fight during recess at school. This was to help access the potential of each student and what classes they would receive based off performance.

Once you learned to read, write and talk. Fighting was next on the subject. Xen Yu, a quiet and shy boy was up next to fight. He would be fighting someone else of his age, except this boy came from a clan.

(AN: Clans are family with reputation for their fighting abilities)

This boy was already prepared and even had training and a fighting style. The matched was already prejudged before it even started.

"Xen Yu and Kim Tore, step into the ring" said the recess referee. Both fighters stepped into the ring with Kim even giving gestures to friends and females to bloat his win before he even win.

Xen on the other hand was nervous because he, who had never threw a punch in his life, was know going against a well known student of his class, who was one of the best fighters in the grade.

"Both fighters turn towards me and bow...now turn towards each other and bow. Remember, there is no mercy in the battle field, if you die its simply because of your inability to protect yourself...now get into your stances....HAJIME!"

Kim got into his battle stance intensely and let out a roar slamming his feet to the ground and rushing to Xen. Xen was panicked for a slight second until all panic and fear left his thoughts. He had never felt so calm in his several years of living.

'Where is this confidence coming from...'

During his thoughts, Xen closed his eyes without even knowing he did so, he heard a calling amidst his thoughts... instincts quickly tool control over Xen causing him to run towards Kim.

This flustered Kim and caused him to swing faster than he planned but Xen ducked under such a simple attack.

Xen delivered a powerful uppercut which levitated Kim off his feet a few centimeters. He instantly continued this attack by grabbing the arm that Kim attacked with and flipping him over his shoulder and onto his back before his feet could even touch the ground.

Kim let a desperate gasp for air as the slam knocked the wind out of him. Before Kim had the slightest chance to recover, the last thing his retinas saw was Xen elevating his leg over his face and the bottom of his foot before ruthlessly getting his head stomped against the arena ground...over and over and over.

Kim getting beaten half to death was not an outcome that anybody expected. No, even the unexpected should be expected...this was simply Impossible!

"I won right. Send the next fighter.." Xen said calmly but arrogance radiated from his words and it gave the contestants chills.

Xens whole personality did a complete 180 and all it took for such an awakening was for something to unlock his instinctive power. Xen had yet to know what exactly awakened in him but it was comparable if not greater than foresight.

"So you like to hide your skills and bully people eh? Shameless enough to even gloat proudly about it! You want an opponent, fight me then" a brown haired boy said. He was clearly older than Xen, around 12 years old and quite tall for his age.

"You talk to much. The word bullying doesn't exist...he was weak. You are stupid...challenging someone whose already in the ring and your not. Hurry up!"

The brown hair boy entered the ring with an overdramatic front flip as if to show off. He bowed his head with a smirk and his eyes glinting, creating a devious tension around him. The teachers saw nothing wrong and allowed things to proceed.

Xen looked at him unimpressed. "Your a waste of my time...I'll take your life in exchange."


one of the teachers shouted pausing everyone in their actions.

"Heh saved by the bell- WAIT WAIT WHA-" the boy tried to get arrogant since recess was over but Xen still decided to attack.

"AYE AYE AYE RECESS OVER!" a teacher yelled blocking Xen's path to stop the attack causing Xen to stop himself.

He looked the boy in the eye and told him, "until recently I had never thought of being in a fight in my life. If I knew it was so easy, I would have came out the womb fighting beasts and monsters...instead I must start off on weaklings. You've made enemies with the wrong person...watch your back at all times..."