
The 49th Floor (New Cover)


What do you think of the new cover? Let me know in the comments.


The team of dungeon explorers wearily sat on the ground. Every single person was covered in blood. They all sported heavy injuries and Gilbrew almost died.

The 49th floor was a nightmare to conquer. All of the monsters on this floor began at a level 53 and the strongest floor defender had a level 62 power.

The team's power had rapidly risen since the 30th floor. Their levels were: Kyle Kane (G-Hawk) Lvl 55 (63) Fighter, Riley Lvl 53 Fighter, Shadow Bow Lvl 58 Archer, Shadow Sis Lvl 50 Thief, Spirit Man Gilbrew Lvl Lvl 52 Spirit Warrior, Bragg Shield Lvl 60 Tank.

Things were so dangerous in the last battle that Kyle had to temporarily release his power suppression. The explosion in power went way beyond anything he could anticipate.

After a few moments, he swiftly lept into action and delivered the finishing blow to the Wagum, the Large hairy centaur-like beast. It was the floor defender and an absolute nightmare.

"We've been fighting on the 49th level for nearly two weeks. I fear the 50th floor, the last floor, will be an almost impossible challenge for us as we are now.

Already, we've seen how the floor defender of a higher level becomes the lowest level of a monster on the lower floor. Fighting this level 62 monster nearly cost all of us our lives.

Let's take one month, recover our strength, train, repair our weapons, and get ready to take on the 50th floor.

Shadow Sis, after you've rested, please inform the guards to come to the 49th floor to make camp. I also need you to deliver a report to the Baron and ask for more supplies.

Let him know about our progress," Kyle instructed. Shadow Sis merely nodded her head affirming the order.

It would take several hours for the soldiers to come to their position. They were on the 48th floor. Their job was to prepare camp and protect the supplies.

Unlike the others, these soldiers never engaged in battle so their fighting level never increased. They were really slow and it seemed like the floors got bigger and bigger the further down they went.

Running at their fastest speed, it would take them at least four hours to reach the end of the floor. For Shadow Sis, it took less than ten minutes.

Traveling to see the Baron would take a day, and returning would take another day. For the soldiers, a round trip journey would take nearly two weeks.

Shadow Sis was probably the fastest of all of them. Kyle felt she was one of the most reliable in the group. She and her brother never talked, but you could rely on them.

About five hours after they finished their battle on the 49th floor; the soldiers showed up and immediately put the camp together and made food for the weary warriors.

The soldiers were impressed by all of these fighters. Every one of them became so powerful. They were much more powerful than Bolk and the others.


Outside the barrier, Kantor and the other Spirit Men were doing their best to understand the formation. They created numerous diagrams of the barrier.

They noticed there were changes happening to the dungeon. When they originally arrived, the stones of the temple was a dark blue. Today, those same stones were looking grayer.

The understood the temple was losing its power. Whatever the Baron was doing, it wouldn't be long before the temple was no longer able to hide the terrible Rajinn.

This spurred them on to work harder and faster. Rollins and Siff were getting more and more anxious. While they waited for the barrier to come down they looked for Kyle.

They still didn't receive any word on him.


Kyle had no idea his actions in the dungeon could spell doom for everyone in this world. He was still curious about the dungeon and what was at the center of it.

He knew the Baron was up to something, but in order for him to stop him, he first needed to determine what he was doing.

Looking at all of this from the outside it would be effortless to say Kyle's actions were stupid. Unfortunately, with the lack of information what he was making made sense.

If he could capture or use whatever was in the dungeon; then he could both thwart the Baron stop his plan.

It's just that Kyle didn't realize he and his team of dungeon explorers was the Baron's plan.

During their entire journey, Kyle was paying attention to the metal strips on the walls. They were getting easier and easier to see.

Kyle tried to cut one of them at some point, but he didn't have any tools strong enough to do so. His failure earned a mocking laugh from Gramps.

The group of warriors was resting or training. Shadow Bow sat next to his tent with his legs crossed; while his shadow shot arrow after arrow at some kind of target.

Kyle was repairing his fighter clothes while Riley was practicing his sword skills. Bragg just laid on the ground like a snoring mountain.

Gilbrew was doing something in his tent, but no one knew exactly what he was doing. Spirit Men loved to appear mysterious.

The soldiers were cleaning up the remains for the monster, finding beast pearls, and collecting all of the useable parts. They even collected some meat as emergency rations.

There was nothing unusual about this scene. It played out a hundred times before on various floors.

It was while Kyle was examining his stitching on his uniform that he felt something hit his head. He reached up and discovered a rock was on his head.

He looked up and saw bits of rock and sand coming down. While trying to figure out what was going on, he felt a slight vibration. It was nothing serious, but Kyle was getting worried.

"Pack up the Camp, let's retreat. I don't want this whole building falling on our heads," Kyle said to everyone. No one disagreed. They thought this place was solid, but if it wasn't they were dead.

The safest thing was to retreat and then investigate carefully after.

A shadow dagger sprang out and headed toward Shadow Bow. He caught the dagger. There was a note attached to it. When he read the note his eyes went wide.



We've gotten 112 power stones and have enough for a bonus chapter today!

This is the first chapter. Look forward to two more chapters today. Great job everyone!

Today's power stone heroes are: Timestronaut and Undying_Seeker

Thank you all for your support! This book wouldn't be possible without you.


The first of 3 Chapters, it's Big Bonus Sunday!

If you would like to read more chapters, I'll do a big release on Sundays if we can reach the weekly goal.

This week's goal is:

100 power stones for 1 extra chapter.

200 power stones for 2 extra chapters

250 power stones for 3 extra chapters

straythoughtcreators' thoughts